A map of part of Dalmatia (Croatia) showing localities where Spelaeobates taxa were registered pink sun S. (P.) bachofeni yellow triangles S. (P.) czernyi black kites S. (P.) kraussi red circles S. (P.) peneckei lime squares S. (P.) pharensis langhofferi green squares S. (P.) pharensis pharensis light purple star S. (S.) coriniensis coriniensis ssp. nov. purple stars S. (S.) coriniensis nonveilleri ssp. nov. orange pentagons S. (S.) novaki light blue cross S. sp.

  Part of: Ćurčić S, Vesović N, Vrbica M, Popović S, Radovanović Ž, Ćurčić NB, Yamashkin AA, Radović D, Yamashkin SA, Vranić S, Rađa T (2023) The surprising discovery of two new subterranean Leptodirini of the genus Spelaeobates Müller, 1901 (Coleoptera, Leiodidae, Cholevinae) from Croatia after more than a century. Subterranean Biology 46: 21-46. https://doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.46.104548