Lucayalana troglexuma (Botosaneanu & Iliffe, 1997), comb. n. Comparison of pleonite shapes with two other cirolanid species. A1-3 Lucayalana troglexuma (MTQ-W34360) B1-3 Cirolana erodiae Bruce, 1986 (QM W30557) C1-3 Cirolana willeyi Stebbing, 1904 (QM unreg).

  Part of: Bruce NL, Brix S, Balfour N, Kihara TC, Weigand AM, Mehterian S, Iliffe TM (2017) A new genus for Cirolana troglexuma Botosaneanu & Iliffe, 1997, an anchialine cave dwelling cirolanid isopod (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cirolanidae) from the Bahamas. Subterranean Biology 21: 57-92.