Left: The parkelj, or Krampus, from Boris’ childhood memories, after which he named the black olm, Proteus anguinus parkelj. Right: Boris’ favourite amphipods, Niphargus balcanicus (upper), and Jugogammarus kusceri (bottom). (Photo: Boris Sket archive).

  Part of: Fišer C, Bračko G, Delić T, Fišer Ž, Jugovic J, Moškrič A, Prevorčnik S, Verovnik R, Zagmajster M, Zakšek V, Trontelj P (2024) Professor Boris Sket (1936–2023): the SpeleoBiologist and much more. Subterranean Biology 48: 171-201. https://doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.48.122645