Alberto Sendra, Ferran Palero, Alba Sánchez-García, Jesús Selfa, Sadreddin Tusun, Ali Satar (2022)
New evidence for an Anatolian bridge: Colonization of Euromediterranean lands by cave-adapted Plusiocampinae (Diplura, Campodeidae), with establishment of a new genus.
Zoologischer Anzeiger301: 205.
DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2022.10.006
Alberto Sendra, Ioannis Nikoloudakis, Ioannis Gavalas, Jesús Selfa, Kaloust Paragamian (2020)
A surprising new genus and species of cave-adapted Plusiocampinae Cycladiacampa irakleiae (Diplura, Campodeidae) from Irakleia Island, Cyclades Islands in the Aegean Archipelago (Greece).
Subterranean Biology35: 15.
DOI: 10.3897/subtbiol.35.53579
Alberto Sendra, Alba Sánchez-García, Jesús Selfa, Dmitry A. Milko, Rodrigo Lopes Ferreira (2021)
Campodeidae (Hexapoda: Diplura) from Kyrgyzstan, Central Asia, with the description of a remarkable new genus and species.
European Journal of Taxonomy782: .
DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.782.1585
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