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Illustrations of Islandiana lewisi sp. n. structures. A Left palp of male, medial view B Left palp of male, lateral view C Epigynum, ventral view D Epigynum, flipped – dorsal view E Tibial apophysis of left palp of male. E = Embolus; R = radix; SA = suprategular apophysis; ST = subtegulum; T = tegulum; PC = paracymbium; S = spermathecae; PS = posterior sclerite.

SEM micrographs of the left palp of Islandiana lewisi sp. n. A Ventral B Medial C Lateral. E = Embolus; ED = Embolic division; EM = Embolic membrane; MP = medial projection of ED; VP = ventral projection of ED; R = radix of ED; SA = suprategular apophysis; ST = subtegulum; T = tegulum; PC = paracymbium.

SEM micrographs of the epigynum of Islandiana lewisi sp. n. A Epigynum, ventral view B Epigynum, flipped – dorsal view. PS = posterior sclerite.