Area of webs of Metellina merianae in response to spider size and position in cave. A The number of radii in the web as a function of cephalothorax width of the resident spider. Not significant. B The number of radii in the web as a function of its distance from the cave entrance. Not significant. C The area of the capture spiral as a function of cephalothorax width. Significant. The grey line represents the equation (y = 169x – 81, R2 = 0.31) arising from a simple linear regression. D The area of the capture spiral in the web as a function of its distance from the cave entrance. Not significant.

  Part of: Hesselberg T, Simonsen D (2019) A comparison of morphology and web geometry between hypogean and epigean species of Metellina orb spiders (family Tetragnathidae). Subterranean Biology 32: 1-13.