Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) busljetai sp. nov. Paratype ♀ CBSSC IT2235 from Markova špilja A habitus in dorsal view. Paratype ♂ CBSSC IT2235 from Markova špilja B dorsal scale-seta C cephalon, dorsal D pleonites 4, 5, telson and uropods. Paratype ♂ CBSSC IT4250 from Markova špilja E antennula F antenna with enlargement of flagellum. Scale bars: 1 mm (A, F), 0.1 mm (C–E), 0.01 mm (B).

  Part of: Bedek J, Gottstein S, Taiti S (2019) A new species of Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) from the Dinaric Karst (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Trichoniscidae). Subterranean Biology 32: 33-42.