Distribution of cave collection sites and proportions of haplotypes from 27 populations of Darlingtonea kentuckensis in eastern Kentucky, USA. Circle area corresponds to number of individuals sampled per locality. Different colors indicate different haplotypes; similarity in hue qualitatively indicates sequence similarity. KR: Kentucky River; RR: Rockcastle River; CR: Cumberland River; MVF: Mount Vernon Fault; DD = drainage divide between Kentucky and Rockcastle rivers.

  Part of: Boyd OF, Philips TK, Johnson JR, Nixon JJ (2020) Geographically structured genetic diversity in the cave beetle Darlingtonea kentuckensis Valentine, 1952 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini, Trechini). Subterranean Biology 34: 1-23. https://doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.34.46348