Representative male genitalia from 17 of the sampled caves: 1 Wells Cave; 2 Pine Hill Cave; 3–5 Wind Cave; 6 Richardson’s Cave; 7, 8 Lainhart #1 Cave; 9, 10 and 15, 16 Pourover Cave; 11, 12 John Griffin Cave; 13 Climax Cave; 14 Hicksey Cave; 17, 18 Stab Cave; 19, 20 Piney Grove Cave; 21, 22 Dykes Bridge Cave; 23 Great Saltpeter Cave; 24 Teamers Cave; 25 Mullins Spring Cave; 26 Jesse Cave; 27 Steel Hollow Cave. Note that Wells and Dykes Bridge Caves were not included in the genetic study.

  Part of: Boyd OF, Philips TK, Johnson JR, Nixon JJ (2020) Geographically structured genetic diversity in the cave beetle Darlingtonea kentuckensis Valentine, 1952 (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechini, Trechini). Subterranean Biology 34: 1-23.