Bahalana geracei gestation A lateral view; 6.2 mm ♀ #49 (1995), marsupium with water partly expelled and no mancas; May 1996 B lateral view; 13.0 mm ♀ #5 (2018) with mancas in marsupium, brown gut 14 days after eating worm; 31 July 2019 C ventral view; 6.2 mm ♀ #49 (1995) with mancas inside perion; May 1996 D ventral view; 13.0 mm ♀ #5 (2018) with developing embryos inside marsupium, 3 months after mating; 11 May 2019 E ventral view; 13.0 mm ♀ #5 (2018) with developing embryos, some at posterior end with exuvia, 4 months after mating; 8 June 2019 F maternity jar with screen holding 13.0 mm ♀ #5 (2018) 1–2 cm above bottom of jar; 3 August 2019.

  Part of: Carpenter JH (2021) Forty-year natural history study of Bahalana geracei Carpenter, 1981, an anchialine cave-dwelling isopod (Crustacea, Isopoda, Cirolanidae) from San Salvador Island, Bahamas: reproduction, growth, longevity, and population structure. Subterranean Biology 37: 105-156.