Pterostichus asahinus male from Miomote, on the right bank of the Miomotegawa River A habitus dorsal view B–E Endophallus left lateral (B) ventral (C) right lateral (D) and dorsal (E) views F–H right paramere left lateral (F) apical (G) and dorsal (H) views. go, gonopore; lal, left apical lobe; lpl, left preapical lobe; rpl, right preapical lobe.

  Part of: Sasakawa K, Itô H (2022) The identities of two species in the Pterostichus macrogenys species group of subterranean carabid beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) revealed by external morphometric analysis and comparative genital morphology. Subterranean Biology 43: 61-71.