Photomicrographs of live A, E silver impregnated cells B–D, F, G from GSO A–D and PDC E–G. A–D representative specimens of Euplotes aediculatus. Note the contractile vacuole in a live specimen (arrowhead in A), the horse shoe shaped macronucleus (arrowhead) B and the infraciliature and silverline pattern C, D. E–G Euplotes sp. live E and ventral and dorsal views of protargol impregnated specimens F, G. Arrowhead in E points to the contractile vacuole. Arrowheads in F denote the caudal cirri. Double arrowhead in G points to the micronuclei and arrowheads to the dorsal kinety rows. AZM = adoral zone of membranelles; MA = macronuclear nodule; TC = transverse cirri. Scale bars: 40µm (A–C), 20µm (E–G).

  Part of: Bharti D, Kumar S, Buonanno F, Ortenzi C, Montanari A, Quintela-Alonso P, La Terza A (2022) Free living ciliated protists from the chemoautotrophic cave ecosystem of Frasassi (Italy). Subterranean Biology 44: 167-198.