Research location and hydrographic map showing the main permanent and temporary water bodies and the hydrotechnical tunnel (DAN – Dankov ponor, DRA – Dražice ponor, MAR – Markov ponor, BUK – Buklina, PRA – Pražina pećina, ČAK – Pećina u Čakovcu, HOR – Horvatova pećina, SAM - Samograd).

  Part of: Baković N, Siemensma F, Puljas S, Baković R, Ozimec R, Ostojić A, Mesić Z (2023) First data on testate amoebae associated with the endemic cave bivalve Congeria jalzici Morton & Bilandžija, 2013 with a description of Psammonobiotus dinarica sp. nov. Subterranean Biology 45: 53-74.