Research Article |
Corresponding author: William A. Shear ( ) Academic editor: Oana Teodora Moldovan
© 2019 William A. Shear, David B. Steinmann.
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Shear WA, Steinmann DB (2019) Cave millipedes of the United States. XV. Coloradesmus gen. nov. (Diplopoda, Polydesmida, Macrosternodesmidae), and four new species from caves in Colorado, USA. Subterranean Biology 32: 15-32.
Coloradesmus, gen. nov., is established in the family Macrosternodesmidae based on Speodesmus aquiliensis Shear, 1984, comb. nov. and includes four new species: Coloradesmus hopkinsae sp. nov., C. manitou sp. nov., C. beckleyi sp. nov., and C. warneri sp. nov. All are from high altitude limestone caves in Colorado, USA, and are likely troglobionts.
Troglobionts, new genus, new species, new records, sphaerotrichomes
The generic name Speodesmus Loomis, 1939 has long been used for a number of small to tiny, troglobiotic polydesmidan millipedes from Texas (
Speodesmus aquiliensis Shear, 1984, from Fulford Cave in Eagle Co., Colorado, was briefly mentioned by
The central Texas species remaining in Speodesmus need restudy and revision. Based on the study of specimens and illustrations of gonopods, there appear to be two quite distinct groups of species, and those around Speodesmus bicornourus Causey, 1959 may require a new generic name.
Specimens were collected at sites around moist organic material inside the caves and field-preserved in 70–85% ethanol. Morphological studies were done using an Olympus SZH stereomicroscope and an Olympus BX50 compound microscope equipped with Nomarski optics. Gonopods were temporarily mounted on microscope slides in glycerine for detailed study up to 400X magnification. Measurements were taken using an ocular micrometer on the SZH (lengths of millipedes are highly variable because the body rings can be extended and telescoped to a considerable degree; for polydesmids, breadth of a midbody metazonite is a much better indicator of size) or relying on scale lines accompanying scanning electron micrographs. Drawings were made using an Olympus U-DA drawing tube fitted to the BX-50. Specimens were air-dried and mounted on 12.7 mm diameter aluminum scanning electron microscopy (SEM) stubs affixed with double-sided carbon conductive tape. These were sputter-coated with a 10 nm thickness layer of platinum and palladium metals using a Leica EM ACE600 high vacuum sputter coater. Scanning electron micrographs were taken with a FEI Quanta 600 FEG environmental SEM. Photographs and drawings were edited and refined using GIMP and plates were composed in InkScape.
Due to the ecological and archeological sensitivity of the caves visited for this study, coordinates for their locations are given only in general terms (minutes and seconds).
Aside from the holotype specimen of C. aquiliensis, all material referred to in this study has been deposited in the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, Denver, Colorado, USA.
Macrosternodesmini Brölemann, 1916, p. 585.
Macrosternodesmidae Hoffman, 1980, p. 177.
The tribe was proposed by
We are adopting, with slight modifications, the gonopod terminology used in
Two subfamilies are recognized: Macrosternodesminae are small, often unpigmented animals with setose metazonites and short antennae with rather bulbous distal segments, while Nearctodesminae Chamberlin & Hoffman 1950 are larger, have smooth red, pink or brown metazonites and long antennae with cylindrical distal segments. See
Macrosternodesmine species are usually 2.5–12 mm long, unpigmented and with narrow, toothed paranota. The collum and metazonites bear three rows of setae set on more or less distinct tubercles, or densely scattered setae not arranged in rows and not on obvious tubercles; the setae may be long and acute or short and clavate. The epiproct (telson) is short-triangular with four spinnerets in a shallow depression. The legs of males have podomeres (coxae, prefemora and femora) that are enlarged, dorsally swollen, and set with sphaerotrichomes. Antennomere six is enlarged and longer than antennomere five. The majority of North American species in this subfamily have been collected exclusively in caves, mostly west of the Mississippi Valley.
Sphaerotrichomes are unusual, enigmatic structures that occur on some or all podomeres of many species of polydesmoidean and dalodesmoidean millipedes (Fig.
There have been no ultrastructural studies of sphaerotrichomes using transmission electron microscopy, and they are not mentioned in a recent review of millipede sense organs as such (
Speodesmus aquiliensis Shear, 1984.
Distinct from the similar Pratherodesmus Shear, 2009 in its much larger gonopod solenomere and endomerite, from Tidesmus Chamberlin, 1943, Sequoiadesmus Shear & Shelley, 2008 and Nevadesmus Shear, 2009 in having a simple, unbranched endomerite, or endomerite lacking. Packardesmus Shear & Shelley, 2019 has all gonopod branches clustered at the tip of an extended prefemoral stem.
Small, probably troglobiotic macrosternodesmines 4.0–11.0 mm long, lacking pigment. Nineteen trunk rings (collum + 17 pedigerous rings + telson). Head sparsely to densely setose. Antennae (Fig.
From the state of Colorado, to which the genus appears endemic, and the common combining stem -desmus in the order.
In addition to the type species, the following new species: beckleyi, warneri, hopkinsae and manitou.
See Map
Northwestern Colorado, showing the distribution of Coloradesmus species. Green area indicates Colorado Rocky Mountain Forest Ecoregion. Symbols may represent more than one locality as some caves are very close to one another. Stars, C. aquilensis, triangles, C. hopkinsae, squares, C. manitou, circles, C. buckleyi, hexagon, C. warneri.
Two species groups are recognizable in this genus, distinguished primarily by size and the presence or absence of a distinct endomerite. Coloradesmus aquiliensis, C. hopkinsae and C. manitou are 0.6 mm or greater in width and from 5–11 mm long, depending on the contraction or extension of the body. Coloradesmus beckleyi and C. warneri are considerably smaller, about 0.4 mm wide and 4 mm long, placing them among the smallest of all millipedes. The former three species have distinct endomerites, while endomerites seem lacking in the latter two. Division of Coloradesmus may prove desirable in the future but for now we prefer to group all the species in a single genus.
All specimens of Coloradesmus were collected in the dark zones of limestone caves. The preferred habitat for the genus appears to be caves with moist organic materials including wood, scat and guano. Millipedes representing Coloradesmus were found under rocks, burrowing in cave soils, and on wet cave formations. Many of the caves where Coloradesmus occurs are remote and at high-altitudes with temperatures of 2–4 °C.
Establishing troglobiosis is difficult in macrosternodesmines due to the small size and depigmented appearance of nearly all species except those of Tidesmus. Eyelessness is not a marker of troglobiotic adaptation in Polydesmida, since all known species of the order, some thousands, are eyeless. However, despite antennae and legs that seem not much elongated compared to those of litter-dwelling species of Chaetaspis, the species of Coloradesmus have a loose-jointed, elongated appearance as a whole that, along with the weak sclerotization of the rings, suggests a significant degree of adaptation.
As WAS has repeatedly emphasized in previous publications, collecting in caves has generally been more intense than surface collecting, especially in western parts of the United States. Further, suspect troglobionts tend to be very small and would only be found outside caves by very careful sifting of forest litter at an appropriate season of the year, if they exist there. Many caves in the Rocky Mountains are at high altitudes or are situated in surroundings that would not be very conducive to the survival of small, delicate arthropods on the surface. The mesovoid space of small cavities from a few centimeters to meters underground has not been explored by collectors in western North America.
1 | Width of midbody metazonites 0.6 mm or greater; metazonital setae acute | 2 |
– | Width of midbody metazonites 0.4 mm or less; metazonital setae blunt, subclavate | 4 |
2 | Distal zone of gonopod short, blunt; endomerite distinctly elbowed | C. manitou |
– | Distal zone of gonopod long, tapering, acute; endomerite very short or not elbowed | 3 |
3 | Endomerite short, perhaps seemingly absent, but tightly appressed to prefemoral process; prefemoral process broadly spatulate, with lateral subapical tooth | C. hopkinsae |
– | Endomerite long, obvious; prefemoral process scoop-like, without a tooth | C. aquiliensis (Shear) |
4 | Prefemoral process with thin, pointed tip; distal zone bent laterally at right angle or less | C. beckleyi |
– | Prefemoral process broad at tip; distal zone evenly continuing line of acropodite | C. warneri |
Speodesmus aquiliensis Shear, 1984, p. 96.
Male holotype (American Museum of Natural History) from Fulford Cave, 21 mi SE of Eagle, Eagle Co.: Colorado, collected 6 July 1980 by J. R. Holsinger et al.
A larger species of Coloradesmus distinguished by details of the gonopods; in Coloradesmus hopkinsae the prefemoral process is much broader and has a laterodistal tooth. Coloradesmus manitou differs from C. aquiliensis in the endomerite, which in manitou emerges from the acropodite at nearly a right angle, then turns sharply distad. Coloradesmus beckleyi and C. warneri are only half the length of the other three known species of the genus.
With the characters of the genus. Lengths of a series of specimens from Fulford Cave, the type locality, varied from 4.5–6.2 mm, the longer specimens strongly extended. Setae on collum, metazonites and telson long, acute. In the description of the gonopods, the prefemoral process is erroneously described as bifid and the endomerite is shown in the drawings as attached to the prefemoral process, giving that impression.
COLORADO: Eagle Co.: Fulford Cave, 10,000’ asl, organic matter in packrat midden, 39°29'N, 106°33'W, 22 June 1999, 7 males, 13 females (topotypes); Devil’s Den Cave, 11,500’ (3506 m) asl, 35°F, under stones and logs in dark zone, 39°30'N, 106°37'W, 25 August 1999, 18 males, 7 females, juveniles; Herbie’s Deli Cave, 9200’ asl, under rocks in dark zone, 40°01'N, 105°40'W, 31 August 2003, mf; 15 August 2007, 2 males; Lime Creek Cave, 9200’ (2804 m) asl, 40°00'N, 105°40'W, 5 September 2001, 2 males.
Male holotype and male paratypes from Colorado, Garfield Co.: Bair Cave, 9800’ asl, 39°38'N, 107°14'W, 200 ft from entrance, collected September 1998 and 19 June 1999 by D. Steinmann.
Similar in somatic characters to both C. aquiliensis and C. manitou, but differing from both in the broader, more irregularly shaped prefemoral process of the gonopods, and in having a short endomerite tightly appressed to the prefemoral process.
The species is named in honor of Kay Hopkins of the United States Forest Service for her contributions to cave conservation, cave research and cave preservation.
Male holotype.
Length about 7.0 mm, greatest width 0.66 mm. With the characters of the genus. Head sparsely setose. Basal joint of mandibles not greatly exceeding width of collum; front margin of collum evenly arcuate, posterior margin shallowly embayed (Fig.
COLORADO: Garfield Co.: Groaning Cave, 39°42'N, 107°10'W, 9800’ (2804 m) asl, 9 October 2008, D. Steinmann, male, females, juveniles.
Male holotype and many male and female paratypes from Manitou Cave, El Paso Co.: Colorado, 7000’ asl, collected 3 August 1996, by D. Hubbard.
A larger species, like C. aquiliensis and C. hopkinsae, but differing in that the metazonital setal tubercles are very low and often scattered across the metazonite, not in rows. The gonopod endomerite is stouter than in C. aquiliensis and emerges from the acropodite at almost a right angle, then turning distad; the distal zone is shorter and often curved. Unlike C. hopkinae, the gonopod pore is compact with few cuticular projections.
The species epithet is a noun in apposition, after the type locality.
Male paratype.
Length 8.0–10.5 mm, depending on degree of extension, greatest width 0.9 mm. With the characters of the genus. Head densely setose, basal joint of mandibles slightly exceeding width of collum (Fig.
Female paratype. Closely similar to male in all nonsexual characters.
COLORADO: Fremont Co.: Fly Cave, 7 August 1996, D. Hubbard, 2 males; Marble Cave, 7 August 1996, D. Hubbard, 7 males and 8 females (these two caves are nearly adjacent at 38°36'N, 105°13'6.500"W (1982 m) asl; El Paso Co.: Cave of the Winds, 7000’ (2134 m) asl, 38°55'N, 104°55'W, 2 August 1996, D. Hubbard, 10 males, 6 females and 20 February 2007, David Steinmann, 6 males, 6 females; Dilation Cave, 7400’ (2256 m) asl, 38°48'N, 104°52'W, 19 June 2009, D. Steinmann, male; Pedro’s Cave, 6800’ (2073 m) asl, 38°55'N, 104°55'W, 5 January 2008, D. Steinmann, male, females, juveniles.
Male holotype and male and female paratypes from La Sunder Cave, Garfield Co.: Colorado, 7500’ (2287 m) asl, 39°42'N, 107°10'W, in organic matter and under cardboard along the first 1000’ of passage, collected 31 July 1999 by D. Steinmann.
A small species of Coloradesmus, as is the following species, but differing from C. warneri in details of the gonopods, as shown in Figs
The species epithet honors Steve Beckley, for his dedication to cave conservation and education as the owner of Glenwood Caverns in nearby Glenwood Springs.
Male holotype.
Length, about 4 mm, greatest width 0.4 mm. Head with short, sparse setae; basal joint of mandible exceeding width of collum (Fig.
Female paratype. Similar in all nonsexual characters to male.
Known only from the type locality.
Male holotype and female paratype from White Water Cave, 6100’ (1860 m) asl, 40°54'N, 105°09'W, Larimer Co.: Colorado, collected 1 June 2007 by D. Steinmann.
Very similar in nonsexual characters to the foregoing species, but differing in details of the gonopods. Compare Figs
The species epithet honors Ed Warner, an active conservationist and donor to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, for his dedication to nature and the environment.
In size and in nonsexual characters, this species is nearly identical to Coloradesmus beckleyi. Gonopods (Fig.
Female paratype : Similar in all nonsexual characters to male.
COLORADO: Larimer Co.: White Water Cave, 3 November 2006, D. Steinmann, juveniles; Kremer’s Cave, 40°45'N, 105°10'W, 5600’ (1707 m) asl, dark zone, 12 August 2006, D. Steinmann, male; 29 March 2008, D. Steinmann, juveniles; Signature Cave, 40°75'N, 105°11'W, 6100’(1860 m) asl, 22 February 2011, D. Steinmann, male, juveniles; 22 October 2011, D. Steinmann, male, female, juveniles.
Females of a species of the European genus Polydesmus were collected along with the types in Whitewater Cave. All species of Polydesmus recorded from North America are anthropochoric.
The following specimens appear to belong to Coloradesmus but could not be identified to species because of the absence of males. Future collecting in these caves should focus on obtaining male specimens. COLORADO: Eagle Co.: Hourglass Cave, 10000’ (3050 m) asl, station 41/45, 1999, C. Mosch, female; Cattleguard Cave, 8000’ (2439 m) asl, 4 September 2006, juveniles (2 vials). El Paso Co.: Swirling Mists Cave, 7000’(2134m) asl, , 5 January 2008, D. Steinmann, female.
We thank the following people and organizations for permission to collect in caves: the White River National Forest and United States Forest Service which provided a Special Use Permit, Bureau of Land Management, Larimer County Department of Natural Resources, owners and management of Cave of the Winds and Manitou Grand Caverns, and the Blackwell family. We thank the Denver Museum of Nature & Science collections for loaning the specimens.
We also thank Paul Marek, Department of Entomology, and the Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science’s Nanoscale Characterization and Fabrication Laboratory at Virginia Tech, for access to and aid with scanning electron microscopy. Drs. Julian Lewis and Sergei Golovatch are thanked for their comments, which materially improved the manuscript. Dr. Piso Mojado is thanked for translations from Spanish. This research was funded by grant DEB1256139 to WAS, Paul Marek, Jason Bond, Petra Sierwald and Tappey Jones from the National Science Foundation of the United States. Additional funding came from the Asa Kreevich Foundation and the Professional Development Committee of Hampden-Sydney College.