Research Article |
Corresponding author: Dmitry Sidorov ( ) Academic editor: Oana Teodora Moldovan
© 2015 Dmitry Sidorov, Andrey Gontcharov, Dmitry Palatov, Steven Taylor, Alexander Semenchenko.
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Sidorov DA, Gontcharov AA, Palatov DM, Taylor SJ, Semenchenko AA (2015) Shedding light on a cryptic cavernicole: A second species of Zenkevitchia Birstein (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Typhlogammaridae) discovered via molecular techniques. Subterranean Biology 15: 37-55.
The Abkhazian region, in the southern foothills of the Caucasus Mountain Range, comprises a unique natural environment containing numerous subterranean habitats with relict and endemic lineages of obligate stygofauna. We aimed to assess the molecular phylogenetic relationships of Typhlogammaridae species from Balkan and Transcaucasian caves using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) in hopes of discovering previously undetected biodiversity. Our results showed molecular divergence within the genus Zenkevitchia Birstein, with two distinct groups located in the karstic regions Gudauta-Sukhumi and Gulripshi, respectively. These data indicated the existence of a new species (sequence divergences between groups of >14.3%) within the hitherto monotypic genus Zenkevitchia and allowed us to estimate the taxonomic relationship between Zenkevitchia admirabilis and Z. yakovi sp. n., based on examined morphological features and molecular phylogenetic relationships. We were unable to detect reliable morphological differences between Z. yakovi sp. n. and Z. admirabilis, highlighting the cryptic nature of the new species and the value of inclusion of molecular data in taxonomic studies.
Amphipoda , Zenkevitchia , molecular identification, cytochrome c oxidase I, Transcaucasia
Molecular identifications based on the mutability of DNA barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) of mitochondrion (
The Typhlogammaridae Bousfield, 1978 is the endemic Balkan-Transcaucasian family of cavernicole amphipods belonging to the huge Gammaridea suborder and represented in subterranean waters by 8 decribed species (and sub-species) in the region (
In the present study, we sampled Zenkevitchia in limestone karstic caves located in the Shakuranian cave-complex near Tsabal in the Chjalta mountain range (south-central Abkhazia). We evaluate the possible existence of hidden diversity within the genus Zenkevitchia using the DNA barcode region of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I mitochondrial gene (COI) and evaluate the morphological traits of putative morphotypes.
Samples of blind, unpigmented amphipods were collected from two adjacent (4.1 km) localities in Abkhazia. All specimens were collected a fine-mesh hand-held dip net with a mesh size of 250 µm and fixed in 96% ethanol at the field site.
A complete dissection was made of all pertinent morphological structures of specimens in the type series of the new species and permanent slide preparations were made using polyvinyl lactophenol (PVL) and methylene blue stain. Prior to dissection, body length was recorded by holding the specimen straight and measuring the distance along the dorsal side of the body from the base of the first antennae to the base of the telson. A Lomo MBS-9 stereomicroscope with a scaled micrometer eyepiece was used to make the measurements, and appendages were drawn using a Carl Zeiss NU-2 compound microscope equipped with a drawing device as modified by
To better understand the structure of outer plate of maxilla 1, and to facilitate counting the number of spines, the specimens were slightly crushed and squeezed in glycerol. The term “palmar angle” of the gnathopod propodi refers to the angle formed at the end of the palm and beginning of the posterior margin or the point at which the tip of the dactylus closes on the propodus (
The description is based on the type series, with the material examined deposited in the Zoological Museum of the Far East Federal University, Vladivostok (FEFU; the holotype is here) and in the research collection of the Institute of Biology and Soil Science, Vladivostok (IBSS).
Total DNA was extracted from the muscle tissue with a DNeasy Blood & Tissue kit (QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer’s guideline. The COI gene fragment was amplified using the universal primers HCO2198 and LCO1490 (
The Akaike information criterion (AIC) in MODELGENERATOR 0.85 (
The data underpinning the analysis reported in this paper are deposited in the Dryad Data Repository at
Taking into account reports of a rather wide range of body sizes of adults of Z. admirabilis from the region, we compared partial mitochondrial COI gene sequences for evaluation of the hidden diversity within the genus. The molecular analysis comprised 10 sequences of the family Typhlogammaridae of a total 428–620 bp in length available in GenBank (NCBI KF478522, KF478584, KF478590–KF478592, KF478599, KF478600), together with 3 individuals (NCBI KP844572–KP844574) representing of the newly described species from two adjacent (4.1 km) localities in Abkhazia. Phylogenetic relationships within Typhlogammaridae (Figure
Unrooted maximum-likelihood cladogram with bootstrap probabilities based on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) sequences for representatives of species within the family Typhlogammaridae. Specimen labels refer to information given in Table
Each amphipod specimen sequenced for this study along with referred in GenBank was characterized by a unique mitochondrial COI sequence excepts for both from the Sredne-Shakuranskaya Cave which are identical. Typhlogammarus mrazeki with other closer unidentified congener species accessions KF478590, KF478591 formed a strongly supported clade (95%) with Metohia carinata branching basally (97%). Relationship between unidentified Accubogammarus and Anopogammarus revazi remained unresolved in our analysis. Analysis of the mt-DNA barcode region proved to be an effective tool for the molecular identification and detection of cryptic diversity within Zenkevitchia inhabiting limestone caves in Abkhazia (Table
syn.: Zenkevitchia Birstein, 1940: 51, fig. 4. —
Zenkevitchia admirabilis Birstein, 1940, by monotypy.
Robust, small-sized species of gammarid-like habitus (sexual dimorphism marked, i.e., some males larger than females, gnathopods 1–2 and uropod 3 sexually dimorphic). Antenna 1 short, reaching 50% length of body; antenna 2 short, reaching about 40–60% length of antenna 1, gland cone long, reaching half of peduncle segment 4. Maxilla 1 inner plate triangular with 20–24 plumose setae, outer plate of filtration-type, with 105–114 multi-toothed sickle-shaped comb-like spines; palps symmetrical and reduced. Maxilla 2 inner and outer plates apically with numerous setae in two rows. Mandibular palp article 3 with 1 A group of 2 setae, 2 B setae, 13 D setae, 4–5 E setae. Gnathopods 1–2 small, with propodus not larger than corresponding coxa; palmar angles of both gnathopods with singly notched, strong corner spine on inner face; dactyli with 1 seta along outer margin, 1 stiff seta at nail base along inner margin, nails short; inner margin of dactyli of pereopods 3–7 with 1 stiff seta, with 1 thin seta at nail base. Urosomites 1–2 with dorsolateral groups of spines. Pleopods 1–3 with 2 coupling setae (retinacula) each accompanied with 1 strong, serrate spine (2+1). Uropod 1 rami almost equal, inner ramus scarcely shorter than outer ramus. Uropod 3 short, as long as uropod 2, endopodite small, 0.4–0.5× shorter than exopodite. Telson with 1 or 2 distal spines per lobe. Coxal gills 2–7 stalked, triangular or sacciforme, largest on gnathopod 2, successively smaller on pereiopods 3 to 7, gill 7 the smallest. Body length 8.0–9.75 mm (females), 5.0–10.0 (males).
Holotype: male, 10.0 mm, X43382/Cr-1613-FEFU, completely dissected and mounted on a single glass slide. Abkhazia, Gulripshi district, Tsabal, “Istočnik Tcebel’da” Cave, 43.026216, 41.283022, cave pool, 31.01.2012, coll. D.M. Palatov. Paratypes: X43383/Cr-1614-FEFU, 1 male, 8.0 mm, 1 female, 8.5 mm (oostegites weakly differentiated), with same data as holotype.
Additional material examined (not placed in the type series). All specimens measured, partially dissected and stored in vial (1-11/1sd-IBSS), 4 females with oostegites not well differentiated (2x8.0 mm, 8.5 mm, 9.75 mm), 9 males (3x8.0 mm, 4x8.5 mm, 9.75 mm, 5.0 mm), 1 juvenile (3.0 mm); with same data as holotype; ~ 4.1 km E of “Istočnik Tcebel’da” Cave, Sredne-Shakuranskaya Cave, 43.029748, 41.333198, small cave river, 30.01.2012, coll. D.M. Palatov.
The specific epithet yakovi (Latin) refers to the first name of Yakov Avadievich Birstein a famous zoologist is known for his outstanding contributions to the systematics of subterranean crustaceans.
Male, 10.0 mm (X43382/Cr-1613-FEFU). General body morphology (Figures
Zenkevitchia yakovi sp. n.: holotype, male (10.0 mm), X43382/Cr-1613-FEFU. A Head, lateral view B, C Antenna 1 and 2, lateral views D Labium, ventral view E Labrum, anterior view F, G Left and right mandibles, medial views H Epimeral plates 1–3, lateral views I pleopod 2, medial view J Coupling setae (retinacula), medial view.
Zenkevitchia yakovi sp. n.: holotype, male (10.0 mm), X43382/Cr-1613-FEFU. A Maxilliped, ventral view B, C Enlarged outer and inner plates of maxilliped, ventral view D Enlarged inner plate of maxilliped, dorsal view E Left maxilla 1, dorsal view F Enlarged outer plate of maxilla 1 G Palp of right maxilla 1, dorsal view H Maxilla 2, dorsal view.
Zenkevitchia yakovi sp. n.: paratype, female (8.5 mm), X43383/Cr-1614-FEFU. A Gnathopod 1, medial view B Enlarged palmar part of gnathopod 1 C Gnathopod 2, medial view D Enlarged palmar part of gnathopod 2 E Metasome and urosome, lateral view F, G Uropods 1 and 2, dorsal views H Uropod 3, ventral view I Telson, dorsal view.
Female, 8.5 mm (X43383/Cr-1614-FEFU), sexually dimorphic characters (Figures
The pilosity of posterior margin of pereopod 5 bases is very variable, ranging from normally setose to very densely setose. The form of postero-ventral corner and number of spines on ventral margin of epimeral plates varies slightly. Maxilla 1 distal palp article with 5–8 apical setae; outer plate with 105–114 spines; inner plate with 20–24 setae. Endopodite of uropod 3 with 1 or 2 spines on apex. The propodus of gnathopod 2 on female specimens from the Sredne-Shakuranskaya Cave were somewhat elongated, with palmar margin distinctly transverse; rami of uropod 2 of both sexes unarmed along outer margins. One specimen was observed in sample from the “Istočnik Tcebel’da” Cave with the same character of uropod 2 rami.
Taxonomy of the genus Zenkevitchia is confusing and requires a thorough revision. The first mention of Z. admirabilis was given by Birstein in
A detailed analysis of these species descriptions has left the impression that Z. admirabilis is represented by a series of different species in this region. Indirectly, this is evidenced in remarks by
Variation in morphological characters in adult specimens of Zenkevitchia yakovi sp. n. and comparison with published data for Z. admirabilis.
Character | Z. yakovi sp. n. | Z. admirabilis Birstein, 1940 | Z. admirabilis (Birstein, 1941) | Z. admirabilis (Birstein & Ljovuschkin, 1970) |
Body length, mm | 8.0–9.75 (♀♀) 5.0–10.0 (♂♂) |
– 14.0 (♂♂) |
4.0 (♀♀) – |
up to 20.0 (sex not specified) |
Antenna 1, primary flagellum | 27 articles (♂♂) 19–20 articles (♀♀) |
31 articles | 19-24 articles | 38 articles |
Antenna 2, primary flagellum | 11 articles (♂♂) 9 articles (♀♀) |
16 articles | 8 articles | 17 articles |
Maxilla 1, palp | 5–8 spines | up to 10 spines | 5 spines | ~ 8 spines |
Maxilla 1, inner plate | 20–24 setae | - ? - | 15-17 setae | ~ 35 setae |
Maxilla 1, outer plate | 105–114 spines | - ? - | 23 spines | >50 spines |
Gnathopod 1, male p.m. |
9 spines | 6-7 spines | - ? - | 9-22 spines |
Gnathopod 1, female p.m. | 7 spines | - ? - | 4 spines | |
Gnathopod 2, male p.m. | 6 spines | 6-7 spines | - ? - | 10-13 spines |
Gnathopod 2, female p.m. | 5 spines | - ? - | 4 spines | |
Origin of material | Gulripshi: “Istočnik Tcebel’da” and Sredne-Shakuranskaya caves | not specified | Sukhumi: small cave near Andreevka (Apra) | not specified |
List of the specimens, sampling sites and accession numbers of the sequences for COI included in this study. References are given for sequences obtained from GenBank.
Specimen | Locality | GenBank acc. no. | Reference / or year of sampling |
Zenkevitchia yakovi T | Georgia, Abkhazia: “Istočnik Tcebel’da” cave, 43.026216 N 41.283022 E | KP844572 | This study / 2012 |
Zenkevitchia yakovi S1 | Georgia, Abkhazia: Sredne-Shakuranskaya cave, 43.029748 N 41.333198 E | KP844573 | This study / 2012 |
Zenkevitchia yakovi S2 | Georgia, Abkhazia: Sredne-Shakuranskaya cave, 43.029748 N 41.333198 E | KP844574 | This study / 2012 |
From GenBank | |||
Accubogammarus sp. SLOCHN114 | Montenegro: Grahovo, Vojvode Dakovića cave | KF478592 |
Anopogammarus revazi SLOCHN245 | Georgia: Martvili, cave Motena | KF478522 |
Metohia carinata SLOCHN019 | Montenegro: Rijeka Crnojevića, Obodska cave | KF478584 |
Typhlogammarus mrazeki SLOCHN113 | Montenegro: Cetinje, Lipska cave | KF478590 |
Typhlogammarus sp. SLOCHN252 | Croatia: Zrmanja, Krupa cave | KF478591 |
Zenkevitchia admirabilis SLOCHN199 | Georgia, Abkhazia: Sukhumi, Verhnie Pešeri, Verhne-esherskaja (=Sobachya) cave | KF478600 |
Zenkevitchia admirabilis SLOCHN200 | Georgia, Abkhazia: Gudauta, Lihni, Tarkili (=Tarkiladze) cave | KF478599 |
Estimates of pairwise sequence divergence (uncorrected p-distances) of partial mitochondrial COI gene among species and haplotypes of the Balkan and Caucasian Typhlogammaridae.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
1. Zenkevitchia yakovi S1 | — | ||||||||
2. Z. yakovi S2 | 0.0 | — | |||||||
3. Z. yakovi T | 0.005 | 0.005 | — | ||||||
4. Z. admirabilis SLOCHN199 | 0.196 | 0.196 | 0.196 | — | |||||
5. Z. admirabilis SLOCHN200 | 0.143 | 0.143 | 0.143 | 0.089 | — | ||||
6. Accubogammarus sp. SLOCHN114 | 0.300 | 0.300 | 0.300 | 0.343 | 0.306 | — | |||
7. Typhlogammarus sp. SLOCHN252 | 0.491 | 0.491 | 0.478 | 0.474 | 0.521 | 0.554 | — | ||
8. T. mrazeki SLOCHN113 | 0.478 | 0.478 | 0.466 | 0.414 | 0.450 | 0.484 | 0.137 | — | |
9. Metohia carinata SLOCHN019 | 0.513 | 0.513 | 0.500 | 0.532 | 0.547 | 0.481 | 0.460 | 0.503 | — |
10. Anopogammarus revazi SLOCHN245 | 0.379 | 0.379 | 0.385 | 0.349 | 0.359 | 0.465 | 0.471 | 0.457 | 0.603 |
Besides locus typicus of Z. yakovi sp. n. at the cave “Istočnik Tcebel’da” this species is known from Sredne-Shakuranskaya Cave, Gulripshi district of Abkhazia. The structure of the mouthparts, particularly unusual structure of outer plate with numerous long multi-toothed spines, suppose its filtering function. Analysis of the esophagus of a few individuals showed only the presence of detritus.
The nature of the morphological variability and divergence of COI gene sequences (pairwise distances 0.005) suggests that, between the two caves “Istočnik Tcebel’da” and Sredne-Shakuranskaya, two populations of the same species are present.
This study was undertaken with financial support of the Presidium of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS), grant Nos. 15-I-1-009e and 15-I-6-011o and by RFBR, research project No. 15-54-40011 Абх_а.