Research Article |
Corresponding author: Francisco Márquez-Borrás ( ) Academic editor: Oana Teodora Moldovan
© 2020 Francisco Márquez-Borrás, Francisco A. Solís-Marín, Luis M. Mejía-Ortiz.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Márquez-Borrás F, Solís-Marín FA, Mejía-Ortiz LM (2020) Troglomorphism in the brittle star Ophionereis commutabilis Bribiesca-Contreras et al., 2019 (Echinodermata, Ophiuroidea, Ophionereididae). Subterranean Biology 33: 87-108.
Due to their peculiar and sometimes bizarre morphology, cave fauna (across invertebrates and vertebrates from both aquatic and terrestrial cave habitats) have fascinated researchers throughout history. Despite their success in colonizing most marine ecosystems, the adaptations of cave brittle stars (Ophiuroidea) to a stygobiotic lifestyle have been scarcely examined. Employing comparative methods on a data set of two species belonging to the genus Ophionereis, this study addresses whether a cave-dwelling species from Cozumel exhibited similar troglomorphic traits as those of other taxa inhabiting caves. Our work demonstrated that some characters representing potential morphological cave adaptations in O. commutabilis were: bigger sizes, elongation of arms and tube feet and the presence of traits potentially paedomorphic. In addition, an element of ophiuroid’s photoreceptor system, as well as pigmentation, was observed to be peculiar in this stygobiotic species, plausibly as a result of inhabiting a low light-energy environment. Finally, we add evidence to the statement that O. commutabilis is a cave endemic species, already supported by demography, distribution and origin of this species, and now by a typical array of troglomorphisms.
adaptation, Aerolito, anchialine system, cave, Cozumel, ophiuroid, stygobiotic
Several traits are often associated with cave-dwellers, which are also known as troglomorphisms, defined as a morphological modification in cave fauna (
According to
Although cave fauna is mainly composed by crustaceans, several studies have reported organisms of other taxa inhabiting these ecosystems (
Troglomorphism has been investigated mainly on arthropods and vertebrates from both aquatic and terrestrial caves (
Thus, the aim of this study is the identification of morphological adaptations of O. commutabilis. To test the hypothesis that O. commutabilis shows troglomorphisms, we carried out a comparative study between O. commutabilis and its epigean congener O. reticulata. A comparison with other epigean congeners for several traits, as well as the similarities among cave-dwelling brittle stars are discussed. As this is one of the first studies to investigate troglomorphism in brittle stars, our assumptions are mainly based on the analogy to previously identified troglomorphic traits throughout other stygobiotic taxa. Implications for troglomorphism are discussed with respect to concepts of cave biology.
Ophionereis reticulata (Say, 1825) was selected to use as a reference for comparison, based on both morphological and genetic resemblance between Caribbean Ophionereis species with O. commutabilis (
Morphological traits were chosen based on the previous studies on other taxa, and from our personal observations. We sampled and compared the morphological traits described below. A detailed discussion of each character is provided.
Arms and tube feet length
Elongation of body appendages are well documented traits in cave fauna, as they affect both sensorial and feeding structures in aquatic and terrestrial environments (
Here we evaluate the elongation of arms and tube feet as a potential morphological adaptation to the cave. Measures of the structure's length were correlated with the disc diameter of each specimen. Length of arms was measured from the first to the last segment, considering only complete arms without regenerating scars. Tube feet and oral tentacle length were measured from the base (at the tentacle pore or tentacle basin, respectively) to the tip of the structure. Tube feet were considered from proximal, middle and distal portions of the arm (based on
Regeneration frequency
Regeneration is a common process on brittle stars, caused by damage of arms through sub-lethal predation. As a result, regeneration rate of arms is often used as an estimate of predation pressure (
Paedomorphic traits
Morphological juvenile traits retained by sexually mature organisms have been reported for cave-dwellers, also known as paedomorphic features (
The arm ossicles used for microstructure examination were obtained from one arm of each specimen selected. Tissue was removed by soaking two segments of each portion in 5% sodium hypochlorite and later washed with MilliQ water. Ossicles were mounted on a stub and coated with gold for taking micrographs using a Hitachi SU1510 scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Images of the external face of dorsal, ventral and lateral arm plates were analysed using both geometric morphometrics and morphological approaches. For geometric morphometrics, TPS, MAKEFAN8 and MORPHOJ v2.0 software (MorphoJ, RRID: SCR_016483) were used. Landmarks (LM) were digitized to describe the perimeter of the plates (Suppl. materials
Brittle stars have a photoreceptor system consisting of nerve bundles, chromatophores and expanded peripheral trabeculae (EPT) (
In addition to morphological traits, spectral transmittance of isolated dorsal arm plates was estimated by coupling a source of white light (LS-1-II Ocean Optics) to an HR4000 spectrophotometer. We used two optical fibres of 50 and 100 µm on different positions to obtain readings of three dorsal-proximal arm plates of each species (O. reticulata and O. commutabilis). Data were normalized and analysed on ORIGIN PRO 9.1 software (Origin, RRID: SCR_014212).
We analyzed the number of arms and specimens regenerating as well as arm and tube feet ratios between the two species considered. Data and R-scripts used throughout this work are available on the supporting information. All analyses were performed under software RSTUDIO v3.5.0. (Team 2016).
Concerning geometric morphometrics analysis, after the Procrustes fit of the sample, canonical variate analysis (CVA) was performed to explore morphological differences among species using geometric morphometric analysis of arm plates. P values were calculated using a permutation test based on 100,000 iterations of the Mahalanobis distances for differences. CVA, including estimation of the significance of Mahalanobis distances using a parametric approach (Procrustes ANOVA), was also performed to assess the statistical robustness of the groups delineated in the CVA.
A remarkable arm elongation is observed in O. commutabilis, with arms up to 20 times the disc diameter and a mean of 13.2 in comparison to 6.6 of O. reticulata. This ratio showed statistical differences between species (ANOVA, F 1, 105=559.3; p <0.001). Furthermore, we found that arms of specimens of equal size from both cave and epigean species are integrated by segments of similar length (Suppl. materials
Summary of morphometric results showing significant (S) and not significant (NS) differences for each trait. For traits with statistically significant differences the result of it with respect to the cave species is expressed as longer/bigger than O. reticulata (↑). NT: not statistically tested.
Trait | Differences | Result |
Arm length | S | O. commutabilis ↑ |
Number of arm segments | NT | O. commutabilis ↑ |
Oral tentacle length | NS | - |
Proximal tube feet length | NS | - |
Middle tube feet length | NS | - |
Distal tube feet length | S | O. commutabilis ↑ |
After measuring the disc diameter, we observed that stygobiotic specimens showed bigger sizes. For the disc diameter, we observed between mature O. reticulata and O. commutabilis, statistical differences (ANOVA, F1, 88= 4.54; p <0.05). Cave-dwelling specimens having a disc diameter 14% bigger than its epigean congener.
Based on recorded observations of specimens of O. commutabilis, 32% (n= 46) showed signs of arm regeneration. Besides, 14% of arms observed (n= 196) were damaged. In comparison, from the 51 individuals of O. reticulata analyzed, 70% showed signs of arm regeneration. Correspondingly, 35% of arms (n= 213) were damaged in specimens of O. reticulata.
The average of arms regenerating per individual in cave-dweller specimens was 0.7 (14.42%) while in reef individuals was 1.6 arms (33.16%). Statistical analysis showed a difference between species for these data (ANOVA, F1, 95= 12.52; p <0.001).
Dorsal arm plates (DAP) of both species are different in form, being hexagonal in mature O. commutabilis and trapezoid in O. reticulata (Fig.
Geometric morphometrics results for DAP. Ophionereis spp. dorsal arm plates Procrustes ANOVA and P values based on permutation test results with environment (Reef for O. reticulata and Cave for O. commutabilis) as covariate (Mahalanobis distance in parenthesis).
Procrustes ANOVA | |||||
Effect | SS | MS | df | F | P (param.) |
Individual | 0.06245164 | 0.0052043037 | 12 | 3.01 | 0.0005 |
Residual | 0.53979931 | 0.0017301260 | 312 | ||
P value based on permutation test | |||||
Environment | Cave | ||||
Reef | <0.0002(2.39) |
Geometric morphometrics results for VAP. Ophionereis spp. ventral arm plates Procrustes ANOVA and P values based on permutation test results with environment (Reef for O. reticulata and Cave for O. commutabilis) as covariate (Mahalanobis distance in parenthesis).
Procrustes ANOVA | |||||
Effect | SS | MS | df | F | P (param.) |
Individual | 0.02209517 | 0.0012275093 | 18 | 5.00 | <0.0001 |
Residual | 0.11482214 | 0.0002453465 | 468 | ||
P value based on permutation test | |||||
Environment | Cave | ||||
Reef | <0.0001(7.34) |
Geometric morphometrics results for LAP. Ophionereis spp. lateral arm plates Procrustes ANOVA and P values based on permutation test results with environment (Reef for O. reticulata and Cave for O. commutabilis) as covariate (Mahalanobis distance in parenthesis).
Procrustes ANOVA | |||||
Effect | SS | MS | df | F | P (param.) |
Individual | 0.11434060 | 0.0043977153 | 26 | 7.58 | <0.0001 |
Residual | 0.73910392 | 0.0005801444 | 1274 | ||
P value based on permutation test | |||||
Environment | Cave | ||||
Reef | <0.0001(6.27) |
Comparison of several traits between a stygobiotic Ophionereis species and its closest epigean relatives. dd: disc diameter; al: arm length; DAP: dorsal arm plate; VAP: ventral arm plates; ND: No data.
Species | Habitat | dd (mm) [Max] | Avg ratio (al/dd) [Max] | Avg segment length (mm) | Regeneration frequency (%) [for arms] | DAP shape | VAP shape | Reference |
Ophionereis commutabilis | Cave-dwelling | 11.4 [17] | 13.2 [20] | 0.58 | 32 [14] | Hexagonal | Longer than wide | Present study |
O. reticulata | Epigean | 11.4 [15] | 6.6 [8] | 0.55 | 70 [35] | Trapezoid | Quadrangular |
O. vittata | Epigean | 6.7 [10] | 8 [13] | ND | ND | Rounded hexagonal | Bell shaped |
O. squamulosa | Epigean | 5 [6] | 8 [ND] | ND | ND | Rounded hexagonal | Bell shaped |
O. olivacea | Epigean | 4.5 [6] | 5 [ND] | ND | ND | Roughly hexagonal | Bell shaped |
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of dorsal arm plates from mature Ophionereis commutabilis (a) and O. reticulata (b). SEM of dorsal arm plate of juvenile O. reticulata (c). Deformation grid of DAP shape showing deformation vectors (d). Orientation (p: proximal, di: distal). Scale bars: 400 μm.
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of ventral arm plates from mature Ophionereis commutabilis (a) and O. reticulata (b). SEM of ventral arm plate of juvenile O. reticulata (c). Deformation grid of VAP shape showing deformation vectors (d). Orientation (p: proximal, di: distal). Scale bars: 500 μm.
Concerning microstructures qualitatively analyzed, O. commutabilis tentacle scales are ovoid and longer than wide, which resembles the same plates of juvenile O. reticulata (Fig.
Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of tentacle scales from mature Ophionereis commutabilis (a) and O. reticulata (b). SEM of tentacle scale of juvenile O. reticulata (c). SEM of madreporite of O. commutabilis (d) and O. reticulata (e). Orientation (p: proximal, di: distal). Scale bars: 200 μm (a–c); 500 μm (d–e).
Scanning electron micrographs (SEM) of central region of dorsal arm plates (DAP) of Ophionereis brittle stars. SEM of a DAP from mature Ophionereis commutabilis (a) and O. reticulata (b). SEM of a DAP of juvenile O. reticulata (c). SEM of a cross-section of a fractured DAP from mature O. commutabilis (d) and O. reticulata (e). Orientation (do: dorsal, v: ventral). Scale bars: 50 μm (a–c); 100 μm (d–e).
Dorsal arm plates (DAP) of O. commutabilis exhibit a pattern of EPTs agglomeration, however, this pattern is only present on some DAP from the distal portion of the arm of O. reticulata (Fig.
Differences in the arrangement and size of the EPT in both species corresponds to a different pattern of the inner stereom through a cross-section. DAP of O. commutabilis show a nearly uniform disorganized pattern across the plate, while DAP of the epigean specimens exhibit two clear patterns depending on the side of the plate: (1) a dorsal half with an organized stereom associated with EPT and (2) a ventral half with unsystematic stereom (Fig.
Correspondingly with the differences on the microstructure of DAP, transmittance values of DAP showed differences among species. The values of epigean specimens did not differ depending on the position of optical fibres. Meanwhile, differences were observed along the spectra between the two arrangements in the transmittance values of DAP of O. commutabilis. For both species, the transmittance was lower around 500 nm and greater for wavelengths between 600 and 780 nm (Fig.
Using a comparative morphological approach, we provide evidence of cave adaptation in O. commutabilis. This study quantified the main morphological differences observed between O. commutabilis and its epigean congener O. reticulata. Our findings were similar to those known in arthropods and are characteristic of changes considered as troglomorphism (
Arm length is the most conspicuous trait of O. commutabilis, here we provide, for the first time, direct and quantitative evidence of this. As previously mentioned, elongation of body appendages is well documented in cave fauna as a troglomorphic trait, hence, arm elongation represents a potential morphological cave adaptation in O. commutabilis. The larger number of segments in O. commutabilis suggests that elongation is the result of having more segments than its epigean congener. Each segment has two tentacle pores, thus cave-dwelling individuals have more tentacle pores and therefore more tube feet, as well as more spines. It has been proposed that appendage elongation increases the ability of cave fauna to locate food, avoid predation or improve sensory capability (
Distal tube feet play an important role on detritus and suspension feeding (
The tube feet, as well as their relation with arms in cave ophiuroids, need to be studied more deeply, as these structures probably play an important role in the evolution of cave ophiuroids. This is suggested by the striking differences in length and function among cave species and their epigean congeners demonstrated in A. stygobita (
Our results allowed us to confirm that O. commutabilis is distinguished by reaching big sizes in comparison to other Caribbean species of the genus (
The contrasting results of this study (O. commutabilis) compared with those obtained by
Regeneration frequency was lower in O. commutabilis (32% of specimens and 14% of arms) than O. reticulata (70% and 35%). O. commutabilis shows similar percentages to A. stygobita (35% and 14%) (
Stereom organization and porosity is the most conspicuous trait potentially considered as paedomorphic, being more porous in all the analysed ossicles of the cave species. Similar patterns have been proposed as an adaptive trait for deep-sea and cave brittle stars, improving feeding and gas exchange mechanisms and enhancing chemo and mechanoreception in harsh environments (
The number of hydropores is equal among species of highly different geographical distribution, but inhabiting similar environments as O. reticulata and O. schayeri (
The presence of EPTs on DAP is conspicuous across the genus Ophionereis, not only in Caribbean species like O. reticulata but also in the Indo-Pacific species O. porrecta and O. degeneri (figures 15c and 16c in:
Stereom of cave specimens are similar to that of deep-sea ophiuroids in having less defined expanded peripheral trabeculae (
The lower transmittance peak observed in the two analyzed species corresponds to wavelengths that activate phototaxis in ophiuroids (
Cave fauna shows particular morphological traits that could be considered to be troglomorphisms if they allow organisms to successfully colonize these harsh environments (
In conclusion, troglomorphic traits of Ophionereis commutabilis include elongation of arms (as a result of the addition of segments) and increased sizes, similar to those observed for other cave fauna. Additionally, potentially paedomorphic traits are reported for an ophionereidid. Finally, the morphology of O. commutabilis confirms it as a stygobiotic species as demography, distribution and origin of this species previously suggested.
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
We are grateful to Alicia Duran for the loan of specimens and Berenit Mendoza for taking the SEM photographs; Susana Guzmán for technical assistance in photography. Thanks to Arodi Farrera for help on geometric morphometrics analysis. To Juan Hernández and Amado Velazquez for assistance with the optical proofs. Thanks to Jill Yager, Laura Arroyo and Tania Pineda for their helpful comments and corrections that greatly improved the manuscript. We are grateful to Guadalupe Bribiesca-Contreras and an additional anonymous reviewer for providing valuable comments that improved considerably the content of this contribution. This work was funded by CONACYT (746189).
Supplementary figures S1–S3
Data type: multimedia
Explanation note: Figure S1. Sets of Landmarks (LM) configurations designed to register the shape of the dorsal (A), ventral (B) and lateral (C–D) arm plates. Orientation (p: proximal, di: distal, do: dorsal, v: ventral). Figure S2. Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of dental plates. SEM of dental plates from Ophionereis commutabilis (a-b) (modified from
Supplementary table S1
Data type: table
Explanation note: Arm features of the stygobiotic species (O. commutabilis) and its epigean congener (O. reticulata) .
Data type: statistical data