Research Article |
Corresponding author: Sergio Cohuo ( ) Academic editor: Alejandro Martinez
© 2022 Dorottya Angyal, Sergio Cohuo, José Manuel Castro-Pérez, Maite Mascaró, Carlos Rosas.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Angyal D, Cohuo S, Castro-Pérez JM, Mascaró M, Rosas C (2022) Benthic species assemblages change through a freshwater cavern-type cenote in the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Subterranean Biology 44: 1-20.
We studied benthic assemblages through X-Batún, a continental freshwater cenote and its associated submerged cave located in San Antonio Mulix (Yucatán, Mexico). Using cave diving techniques, we collected sediment samples at four zones of the system. We extracted and counted individuals of benthic species in three replicates of 5 grams of wet sediment at each site. The biological composition was integrated by 15 species from eight higher taxonomic groups. Non-metric multidimensional scaling distinguished four assemblages that coincided with surface, open water, cavern and cave zones. ANOSIM test revealed significant differences between the assemblages. In the deeper zones of the cenote characterized by twilight and total darkness, Ostracoda and Gastropoda show the highest diversity and abundance, with practical absence in surface sediments. This pattern may suggest ecological interactions with chemosynthetic bacterial activity. Surface shows an assemblage typical of epigean environments. Environmental variables along the cenote varied little from the upper layers to bottom. Linear correlation and detrended canonical analysis revealed that light is the main driver of benthic species assemblages. Temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen exert higher influence at individual biological benthic assemblage in X-Batún.
benthic assemblages, cenote, groundwater, light gradient, Ostracoda, zonation
Yucatán is a karstic platform composed primarily in Cenozoic limestone which was formed mainly from coral reefs (
In subterranean waters, biological composition is known to be primarily structured by environmental gradients (
The general view of the aquatic biodiversity structure in subterranean waters suggests that abundance and diversity of organisms progressively decrease from the highly populated and energy-rich well illuminated zones to the energy-deprived and poorly populated deeper zones (
Several publications deal with the characterization of the stygobiont fauna that inhabits the water column and the associated microhabitats (such as the surface of rocks or organic material deposits) of the Yucatán cenotes and their caves (eg.
Smirnov and
In this study, we characterize the benthic assemblages, based on invertebrate and other remains of the cenote X-Batún, and evaluate how these assemblages vary along four well-differentiated zones of the cenote. We collected information about the variation of the physical and chemical parameters of the water column continuously along the cave system, allowing explanation of how the distribution of benthic invertebrates could be determined by environmental characteristics.
The study system was cenote X-Batún in San Antonio Mulix, Umán, Yucatán, México (20°40'26.6"N, 89°46'22.1"W) (Fig.
Cenote X-Batún is an oligotrophic freshwater cenote open for the tourism, characterized by a fully solar-irradiated open water pool covered with dense vegetation. X-Batún surficial waters are dominated by aquatic rhizomatous herbaceous perennials (Nymphaeaceae). The system is characterized by a water-filled cavern in the twilight zone with fragmented rock slopes covered with decaying organic material, and with two submerged cave passages in the dark zone. In Yucatán Peninsula, three seasons occur: a dry season with high temperatures and low rainfall of about 400 mm yr-1 during March to May, a rainy season with frequent rainfall with values increasing from 900 to 1400 mm yr-1 takes place from June to October, and a cold-fronts season with winter storms and occasional rainfall from November to February (
A sampling campaign was undertaken on 25 May of 2021 by Cenoteando team (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UMDI-F. Ciencias-Sisal, This campaign was authorized by the Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Yucatán, Dirección de Gestión y Conservación de Recursos Naturales with authorization number VI-0884-2021. Using scuba diving techniques, we collected sediment samples at four zones of the cenote. Three of the four examined zones were defined and adapted from
Data of the sampling sites and characteristics of sediment samples collected from four zones of cenote X-Batún. DOM = decaying organic matter.
Sample code | Hydro-zones | Illumination | Depth | Characteristics |
S1 | water surface | Sunlight | <1.0 m | thin layer of sediment composed by algae and DOM |
S2 | water surface | Sunlight | <1.0 m | thin layer of sediment composed by algae and DOM |
OW1 | open water | Sunlight | -7.1 m | thick layer of sediment, lot of DOM |
OW2 | open water | Sunlight | -7.5 m | thick layer of sediment, lot of DOM |
CN1 | cavern | Twilight | -24.0 m | thick layer of sediment, lot of DOM |
CN2 | cavern | Twilight | -27.7 m | thinner layer of sediment than at sampling site CN1, less DOM |
C1 | cave | Darkness | -44.3 m | very thin layer of sediment covered with calcite crystal plates, DOM not visible |
C2 | cave | Darkness | -37.7 m | thicker layer of sediment than at sampling site C1, DOM not visible |
Specimen extraction and counting were carried out in three replicates of 5 grams of wet sediment at each of the samples collected. We used a stereomicroscope for specimen sorting and those with soft parts, complete shells or well-preserved valves were extracted and counted as individuals. In case of ostracodes, to avoid over representation, we counted the right valve only, when free valves were recovered. For each zone of the cenote, species average values were calculated. Individuals were deposited in Eppendorf tubes with 96% ethanol and are available in the collection of ostracodes of the Tecnológico Nacional de México – I. T. Chetumal.
Specimen identifications were carried out with invertebrate specialized literature (e.g.
Benthic taxa of sediment samples extracted from Cenote X-Batún A Pseudocandona sp. B Cypridopsis vidua (Müller, 1776) C Darwinula stevensoni (Brady & Robertson, 1870) D Cyprididae sp. E, G Arcella megastoma (Penard, 1902) F Centropyxis discoides (Penard, 1890) H–J Pyrgophorus coronatus (L. Pfeiffer, 1840 K Bothriopupa sp. L Tyrphonothrus sp.
Environmental variables were measured in situ using an YSI Exo 2 Multiparameter probe (made in USA, range 0 to 200 mS/cm, respond T63<2seg, resolution 0.0001 to 0.01 mS/cm, type of sensor nickel cell 4 electrodes). Profiles of temperature, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), conductivity and dissolved oxygen were obtained. Along the water column, measurements were taken every 2 cm, and more than a thousand values were recorded for each variable from the top to deepest bottom of the cave. The resulting database was manually edited by eliminating those records duplicated by depth. Final dataset consisted in 350 records.
We determined ecological attributes of the evaluated zones of the cenote using the following diversity metrics: species richness, evenness and α diversity, using Shannon diversity index. The ANOVA test was used to determine statistical differences in the diversity between the zones of the cenote.
Benthic species associations along the Cenote X-Batún were determined with non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). The NMDS generates an ordination in a two-dimensional space, representing the pairwise dissimilarity between species according to their occurrences. We first calculated the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity coefficient, using total abundance data, previously transformed by square root (
Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) (
To estimate the relative importance of the environmental variables measured along the cenote associated with the species assemblage structure, we performed a linear correlation test (Pearson correlation).
Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) with detrending by segments and non-linear rescaling was conducted to estimate major gradients in species composition using the CANOCO version 5 package (
Environmental variables were standardized and added by forward selection using the Monte Carlo permutation test with 999 permutations (α = 0.05). Calculations and final ordination graphs of the DCA were performed using the software Canoco version 5 (
A total of 15 aquatic species belonging to eight higher taxonomic groups were found in the sediments of Cenote X-Batún. The main groups identified are foraminifers, testate amoebae, bivalves, gastropods, copepods, ostracodes, mites and insects. We identified the specimens down to genus level and five of them were also identified to species level.
Species richness was relatively homogeneous throughout the cenote with values ranging from seven to eight species at each zone evaluated, but most zones display a unique species composition (Fig.
In terms of abundance, ostracodes were also the most abundant group in the cenote. The species Darwinula stevensoni displayed the highest abundance with 98 ind g-1, followed by testate amoeba Arcella megastoma (68 ind g-1), the ostracod Cypridopsis vidua (46 ind g-1) and the gastropod Pyrgophorus coronatus (45 ind g-1). Alpha diversity based on Shannon index values range from 1.1 to 1.84, revealing relatively low species diversity in the system. The ANOVA test reveal that there are not significant differences between Shannon diversity index at each zone evaluated (F (3,4) = 3.07, p = 0.15), and therefore, diversity can be considered homogeneous along the cenote. Evenness was highly variable ranging from 0.43 to 0.9, suggesting differences in species total abundances between sites. The open water zones display almost homogeneous abundances among their species, whereas surface and cave zones display, variable abundances between their respective species (Fig.
The benthic assemblages were not continuously distributed along the cenote (Table
Occurrence of the benthic taxa extracted from eight sediment samples of four zones of Cenote X-Batún. S1 = water surface 1, S2 = water surface 2, OW1 = open water 1, OW2 = open water 2, CN1 = cavern 1, CN2 = cavern 2, C1 = cave 1, C2 = cave 2. + = presence, – = absence.
Taxa | Higher taxon | S1 | S2 | OW1 | OW2 | CN1 | CN2 | C1 | C2 |
Foraminifer | Foraminifera | – | – | – | – | – | + | – | |
Arcella megastoma | Protozoa | + | + | + | + | + | – | + | – |
Centropyxis aculeata | Protozoa | + | + | + | + | – | – | – | – |
Bivalve | Bivalvia | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | + |
Pyrgophorus coronatus | Gastropoda | – | – | + | + | + | + | + | + |
Bothriopupa sp. | Gastropoda | – | – | – | – | + | + | + | + |
Copepod | Copepoda | + | + | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Darwinula stevensoni | Ostracoda | – | – | + | + | + | + | + | + |
Cypridopsis vidua | Ostracoda | – | – | + | + | + | + | + | + |
Pseudocandona sp. | Ostracoda | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | + |
Cyprididae sp. | Ostracoda | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | + |
Hygrobatidae sp. | Acari | + | + | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Tyrphonothrus sp. | Acari | + | + | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Chironomidae | Insecta | + | + | – | – | – | – | – | – |
Four different assemblages were discriminated in the NMDS ordination with 70% of Bray-Curtis similarity (Fig.
Non-metric multidimensional scaling plot based on Bray-Curtis index and squared root transformed abundance data of species from cenote X-Batún. Assemblage 1 (G1), assemblage 2 (G2), assemblage 3 (G3) and assemblage 4 (G4). Abbreviations are as follows: S – surface; OW – open water; CN – cavern; C – cave.
The SIMPER analysis was used to evaluate the contribution of each species to the Bray- Curtis associations. This analysis revealed that the taxa with higher contribution to the G1 assemblage, considering a cumulative percentage < 70%, were Centropyxis aculeata, Arcella megastoma y Chironomide. For G2 with a cumulative percentage of > 50%, Cypridopsis vidua, Pyrgophorus coronatus and Bothriopupa sp. were the most influential. For the G3 assemblage, Darwinula stevensoni, Pyrgophorus coronatus and Cypridopsis vidua were species with higher contribution with a cumulative percentage < 65%. On the G4 assemblage Darwinula stevensoni, and Cypridopsis vidua were the most influential (Table
SIMPER analysis results, showing the percentage of contribution of the species for the four ecological groups discriminated in the non-metric multidimensional scaling analysis.
Grupos | Especies | % de Contribución | % acumulado |
G1 | Centropyxis aculeata | 35.75 | 35.75 |
Arcella megastoma | 20.64 | 56.39 | |
Chironomide | 13.06 | 69.45 | |
G2 | Cypridopsis vidua | 19.79 | 19.79 |
Pyrgophorus coronatus | 17.90 | 37.70 | |
Bothriopupa sp. | 13.34 | 51.04 | |
G3 | Darwinula stevensoni | 26.05 | 26.05 |
Pyrgophorus coronatus | 20.17 | 46.22 | |
Cypridopsis vidua | 16.47 | 62.69 | |
G4 | Darwinula stevensoni | 39.38 | 39.38 |
Cypridopsis vidua | 21.53 | 60.91 |
The ANOSIM test was then used to evaluate significant differences between the four habitat types identified in the NMDS. The ANOSIM test provides statistical support to determine that the four benthic assemblages are different in their composition and abundance (R = 0.99; p < 0.001). Ostracodes and gastropods for example, were mostly distributed toward the deepest zones of the cave, which is characterized by less light availability (Table
Vertical profiles of environmental variables at Cenote X-Batún show that conditions slightly change from surface to bottom, (Fig.
Linear correlation demonstrated that light (r= -0.98, p= < 0.05) and total dissolved solids (r= -0.95, p= < 0.05) are more closely related to species assemblages determined in the NMDS.
The DCA, using environmental variables and species assemblages as supplementary variables, resulted in the following eigenvalues of the first two axes 0.76 and 0.08, respectively. Total inertia is 0.98. Cumulative percentage variance of species-environment for the first two axes are 76.1 and 84.9%. Kendall Tau correlation coefficient (significant at 0.01 level) shows that first DCA axis was strongly related to pH (-0.99*), temperature (-0.97*), dissolved oxygen (-0.95*) and light (-0.84*) were the explicative variables of the data set. In the DCA ordination plot, species assemblage of the outer zone (G1) of the cenote were positioned together with explicative variables of the first axis. The G2 assemblage was positioned close to the center of the axis revealing that environmental variables have limited effect on the species composition. The G3 and G4, corresponded to deeper zones of the cenote, are positively influenced by TDS and negatively influenced by variables such as DO, temperature, pH and light (Fig.
Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) ordination diagram of benthic species and environmental variables in the cenote X-Batún. Statistical significance based on Monte Carlo test with forward selection p ≤ 0.05. Abbreviations are as follows: temperature (Temp), dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity (Conductv), total dissolved solids (TDS). G1 assemblage of surface sediments; G2 assemblage of open water sediments; G3 assemblage of cavern; G4 assemblage of cave sediments identified in NMDS. Colors corresponded to that in the NMDS plot.
Benthic biological composition of Cenote X-Batún was integrated by eight higher taxonomic groups and 15 species. In terms of species richness and diversity, the cenote was relatively homogenous, as ANOVA test did not find significant differences among zones. Evenness index, however, suggest that zones of the cenote were variable in terms of species abundance. The fauna of X-Batún based on Shannon diversity index is relatively low, however, considering species richness of subterranean environments globally, the fauna is relatively high. In Križna jama cave system (Slovenia, 8km long), for example 32 troglobitic aquatic taxa have been recorded so far (
Ostracodes were the group in which we identified the highest number of species with four. All ostracod species and genera of X-Batún are previously known as epigean, as they are mainly distributed in lakes of this region (
Gastropods are another group restricted to the aphotic zone in X-Batún. Pyrgophorus is a genus recently observed in photic and aphotic zones of cenotes of Yucatán, likely associated to the chemosynthetic production in aphotic zones (
Other species of X-Batún such as mites, testate amoebae (
The NMDS analysis, based on the biological composition, distinguished four assemblages, that coincided with the surface, open water, cavern, and cave zones of the cenote. The deepest zones of the cenote, corresponding to complete darkness sites, display the higher species abundance. The ANOSIM test revealed significant differences between the four species assemblages, suggesting that in fact the four zones are biologically distinct. This implies that benthic species assemblages are confined to specific zones along the light gradient in X-Batún. We disregard invertebrate postmortem sediment transportation along the cenote, as taphonomy of transported shells are characterized by shell edge or ornamentation modifications, abrasion, bioerosion, internal and external incrustations, and high percentage of totally or partially broken shells (
The deeper zones of the cenote, cavern and cave, which are characterized by lack or limited sun light availability was constituted by three taxonomic benthic groups and shown by the highest species abundance per gram of all sampling sites within the cenote. Ostracodes dominate the assemblage, the species D. stevensoni and Cypridopsis sp. show the higher statistical contribution to the assemblages as illustrated by the SIMPER analysis. Gastropods were also abundant in this zone almost equaling the abundance of Cypridopsis sp. Ostracodes are the animal group dominant in most sediment layers of epigean environments such as lakes and cenotes of the Yucatán Peninsula (
Ostracodes are capable to feed on a variety of forms and resources such as algae, bacteria and some of them are carnivores or detritivores (
In X-Batún, although bacterial structure, chemoautotrophy and subproducts have not already been quantified, the ecological pattern observed in benthic taxa i.e., the highest abundance in aphotic zone, suggests that there may exist interactions between bacterial activity and the benthic community. Similar patterns of benthic species distributions were observed in other freshwater cenotes of the Ring of Cenotes, such as Xoch, Tzitzila and Dzontila. There, the presence of gastropods in the light limited or aphotic zones was assumed as the result of interaction with chemolithotrophic bacterias or organic products resulting from chemolithotrophic processes (
We hypothesized that the unique presence of epigean ostracodes in the aphotic zone of X-Batún represent an ecological adaptation, resulting from active movements of the species from highly competitive zones in the surface to food rich and low competitive environment in the aphotic zone.
The SIMPER test revealed that the groups with higher statistical contribution to outer cenote zones, surface and open waters, were testate amoebae, copepods and mites. These taxa commonly inhabit lake environments and particularly zones where sun light is fully available, and primary productivity is high (
The measured environmental variables of cenote X-Batún show that there exists little variation from the upper layers to bottom. Light was the variable with more drastic changes as it varied from full incidence in surface and open waters to twilight in the cavern zone and complete darkness in the cave. Relatively homogeneous conditions in this system, can be expected, as it is primarily subterranean. Subterranean environments tend to be physically and chemically stable (
There is only scattered information available about the diversity, distribution patterns, colonization methods and ecology of the benthic assemblages in subterranean realms of the Yucatán Peninsula. We characterized the benthic fauna of a Yucatán water-filled doline and its submerged cave. The fauna was composed of eight higher taxonomic groups and four assemblages. The deepest, fully dark zones of the cave displayed the highest species diversity and abundance, which raises the possibility of chemoautotrophy. Environmental variables of the different zones of the water column display a little variation from the upper layers to bottom. Linear regression demonstrated that light gradient is the most relevant for species assemblages. Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and light were the most meaningful for individual assemblage as evidenced by the DCA. This study highlights the importance of environmental gradients in structuring benthic biological communities in subterranean systems and the existence of complex biological interactions mediated by different sources of energy in the Yucatán Peninsula.
We are grateful to Luis Arturo Liévano-Beltrán, Alejandra Prieto-Davo and José Carlos Parada-Fabián for their support provided during the fieldtrip and the sample collection. Jozef Grego, Fernanda Charqueño, Lucía Montes are acknowledged for the identification of the gastropod, testate amoeba, and mites, respectively. We are grateful to Jane Speiss for the English language editing of the manuscript. DA is thankful for the scholarship received from “DGAPA-UNAM Programa de Becas Posdoctorales en la UNAM, 2020”. Artwork of Alberto Guerra (NatureArt) was funded by the project “Hacia un mapa de biodiversidad acuática de cenotes de la Península de Yucatán”, DGAPA-PAPIIT 2019 – IN228319.