Research Article |
Corresponding author: Luis Espinasa ( ) Academic editor: Oana Teodora Moldovan
© 2022 Luis Espinasa, Ruth Diamant, Marylena Mesquita, Julianna M. Lindquist, Adrianna M. Powers, James Helmreich.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Espinasa L, Diamant R, Mesquita M, Lindquist JM, Powers AM, Helmreich J (2022) Laterality in cavefish: Left or right foraging behavior in Astyanax mexicanus. Subterranean Biology 44: 123-138.
The evolution of foraging behaviors is key to colonizing challenging habitats such as a cave’s dark environment. Vibration attraction behavior (VAB) gives fish the ability to swim in the darkness toward a vibration stimulus produced by many prey crustaceans and insects. VAB evolved in the blind Mexican cave tetra, Astyanax mexicanus. VAB is regulated by an increased number of mechanosensory neuromasts, particularly in the eye orbital region. However, VAB in Astyanax is only correlated with the number of neuromasts on the left side. Astyanax also have a bent skull preferentially to the left and a QTL signal for the right-side number of neuromasts. We conducted field studies in five different cave populations for four years. Results support that all cave populations can express behavioral lateralization or preponderance of side to examine a vibrating object. The percentage of individuals favoring one side may change among pools and years. In one cave population (Pachón), for one year, this “handedness” was expressed by preferentially using the right side of their face. On the contrary, in most years and pools, Tinaja, Sabinos, Molino, and Toro cave populations explored preferentially using their left side. This suggests that if there is an adaptative effect, it selects for asymmetry on itself, and not necessarily for which side is the one to be specialized. Results also showed that the laterality varied depending on how responsive an individual fish was, perhaps due to its nutritional, motivational state, or mode of stimuli most relevant at the time for the fish.
asymmetry, Sierra de El Abra, Stygobite, Troglobite, Troglomorphy, VAB
The blind Mexican tetra, Astyanax mexicanus (=Astyanax jordani), is an emerging model system for the study of evolution. Great advances have been made in understanding the genetic basis of adaptation to an extreme environment, such as living in continuous darkness. The freshwater fish from genus Astyanax has two morphs: an eyed surface morph and an eyeless cave morph. The cave morph is restricted to 32 known limestone caves in the Sierra de El Abra region of Northeastern Mexico, and two caves in Guerrero, in Southcentral Mexico (
Throughout their evolution, Astyanax cave-dwelling fish have undergone regression of their eyes and pigmentation, whereas the performance of the mechanosensory lateral lines, the olfactory, taste buds, chemosensors, and their foraging behavior have been enhanced to cope with the continuous darkness (
The swimming of fish toward an oscillating object, or Vibration Attraction Behavior (VAB) is one of the enhanced behaviors shown in cavefish (
Surface morphs are largely symmetric across the left-right axis with little variation (Gross et al. 2015). In contrast, cave-adapted fish have evolved extreme cranial asymmetries. This asymmetry is displayed with a “bend” in their skulls along the anteroposterior axis that is most often biased to the left (
Some of the main skull asymmetries are found in the dermal bones that encircle the eye orbit and, in particular, on the third suborbital (SO3) bone, which is commonly fragmented in an irregular architecture across the lateral cranial complex (
Subsequent studies have shown that neuromasts placement and suborbital bone formation are linked during development and that canal neuromast position prefigures developmental patterning of the suborbital bone series in Astyanax cave- and surface-dwelling fish (
These findings, a bent skull preferentially to the left, a correlation of VAB with left side number of neuromasts (in Pachón cave), and a QTL signal for the right-side number of neuromasts, suggest laterality in enhanced sensitivity for different modes of stimuli and the potential for behavioral laterality with different side swimming preference, or handedness, for different behaviors. While there is no preponderance for swimming direction in familiar settings in the laboratory, cavefish from Pachón cave prefer to use their right-side lateral line when encountering a novel stationary landmark (
In hypothesizing for an adaptive reason for a curved or bent skull, we first tested if the skull or the body of A. mexicanus had a size that could theoretically reflect 30 and 40 Hz waves to amplify a signal, similar to a parabolic amplifier. To work as a parabolic amplifier for waves, the corresponding parabola size must be of the wavelength order or bigger (
In the water, potential prey can emit both sound waves and ripple waves. To test if the curved shape of a fish while circling a vibrating stimulus or the bent shape of a cavefish skull have the minimum theoretical size to reflect either type of waves in such a way as to focus wave signals, the following formulas were used. Wavelength λ can be computed if propagation speed υphase and frequency ν are known: λ = υ phase/ ν.
Sound (pressure waves) travels through water at a speed close to 1,480 m/s. Yet, surface ripples travel much slower in deep water (depth > λ). In a previous study (
For the field experiments, the care and use of experimental animals complied with Mexican animal welfare laws, guidelines, and policies Fieldwork Mexican permits 02438/16, 05389/17 and 1893/19 (Patricia Ornelas-Garcia and LE) were delivered by the Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales. The cave populations studied were Molino, Pachón, Sabinos, Tinaja, and Calera (within the Toro cave system). The first is located in the Sierra de Guatemala and the rest in the Sierra de El Abra, all in Northeast Mexico. For a full description of the caves, their topography, localization, and ecology, see
An apparatus for delivering vibrations was obtained and modified to meet the requirements for waterproofness, portability, and reliability needed for the trying conditions of fieldwork in a cave. A vibrator device connected to a potentiometer to control the amount of current and thus speed control was used (
Video recordings were done in February of 2022 of two pools from Pachón cave and one pool from Tinaja cave. Pachón’s “Large pool” is the one first encountered when entering the cave and 31 recording were performed there. 150 m further in, there is the “Maryland pool” in the Maryland extension portion of the cave and 56 recordings were performed here. Tinaja’s “4th pool” is found deep into the cave in the section dubbed “Sandy Floored”, and 21 recording were done. When the first fish circled once around the vibrating device, filming was stopped and the device was taken out of the pool. The individual fish that conducted the behavior was captured with a hand net and deposited in an inflatable pool. This guaranteed that data for statistical analyses corresponded to single events conducted by different fish within the population. Vibrating device was not put back into the water until about 5 minutes later. Filming was performed with a DCR-SR42 Sony Digital camera. VLC Media Player was used to analyze the collected videos. The expected proportion of fish performing left-side turns versus right-side under the null hypothesis is 0.5. Statistical significance was determined using the binomial test (The non-parametric X2 test with a Yates correction for continuity [
We were also interested in analyzing behavior in other caves and across multiple years. For this, video clips produced by
Fish attracted to the vibration device in the video clips from
To analyze the overall response of both highly responsive and less responsive fish, the videos were divided into 5-second clips, and the frozen image at the end of each clip was analyzed. The number of fish inside a 6.25 cm radius circle in the still image was counted, as in
Previous VAB studies conducted in the laboratory (
Our first hypothesis was that the curved body shape of Astyanax fish while turning around a vibrating stimulus, or the bent shape of a cavefish skull, has a size that allows them to efficiently reflect water waves with a function akin to a parabola (Fig.
A schematic depiction of a plane wave (rays) reflected on the fish’s body. In this case, the waves are being amplified towards the head neuromasts. The black dotted lines represent tangents to the fish lateral line at the reflection points B deflection of plane waves on the bent skull of a cavefish C wavelength is plotted against every phase velocity between 2 cm/s and 10,000 m/s (logarithmic scale). The blue shade aims to highlight the wavelength region for which parabolic amplifiers can work in a 10 cm long fish. Clearly, the speed of sound (1,480 m/s) is off limits for frequencies at around 35 Hz, but surface ripples that travel at 10.7–17.2 cm/s are within the proper wavelength range to be efficiently reflected by structures of a minimum length of 0.2–0.4 cm. Thus, curved bodies of a fish when circling around a vibrating stimulus or a bent skull can theoretically serve as amplifiers for the ripple waves generated by prey, but not for the sound that prey also produce. Skull images modified from
Yet, ripple waves are not pressure waves, and their mechanical manifestation is mainly by water flow, where fluid particles are in an orbital motion. This motion diminishes strongly with depth, so ripple waves stay very close to the surface, and have much slower speeds (
Our second hypothesis was whether there is laterality in response to vibrating stimulus in their natural habitat. In the field, cavefish responded to the vibrations generated by approaching the device using the neuromasts of the left side of their face or their right side. Highly responsive individuals then circled the device counterclockwise (Fig.
Cavefish explore a vibrating apparatus by circling counterclockwise (T1–T4 left), using their left side, or clockwise (T1–T2 right), using their right side. T1–T4 are sequential images from a video clip with arrows following the path of single fish while circling. Graph shows that preponderant side with which cavefish circle around a vibrating stimulus is significantly different between cave populations (Brackets for 90% confidence) A, B skull images modified from
Preponderance in circling a vibrating stimuli using the left side or right side in different cave pools and times. As a population and throughout time, Sabinos and Tinaja cavefish used significantly more their left side. When all years and pools are included, Pachón showed a border line P = 0.0605 (in green) for not significantly differing from a 1:1 ratio. N’s in upper row are for all four years. But when the enhanced data collecting method was used in 2022, fish from two Pachón pools significantly used their right side more. Videos from 2017–2020 are from
Highly responsive fish tend to proportionally use their left side more when compared to those individuals that display a less responsive behavior towards a vibrating stimulus. “# of fish” includes both individuals that only approach the device and then swim away and highly responsive fish that circle around the device. “Turns” counts the behavior exclusively of the highly responsive fish that circle the device. It would appear that highly motivated fish enhance their left-sidedness in their foraging behavior when responding with VAB, except perhaps in Pachón cave population.
The border-line of a P = 0.06051 from the Pachón population for not significantly differing from a 1:1 ratio warranted further analyses. In 2022, the data collection method was improved to eliminate the effect of individual fish performing multiple circling and their presence in multiple video clips. With this improved method, at Pachón’s Maryland pool, only 26.7% (15 left vs. 41 right; P = 0.00083) of the fish that circled were in a left direction, and in the large pool, 29.0% (9 left vs. 22 right; P = 0.03114).
For some caves, the preponderant side preference was relatively high among pools and in different years (Fig.
The above results were for only highly responsive fish that circled the vibrating apparatus. As described in the methods, we did a second type of analysis that includes less responsive fish that just approached the device and then swam away, plus the responsive fish that circled the device. In this case, an intriguing trend was found for all populations: highly responsive fish appear to proportionally use their left side more when compared to less responsive individuals (Fig.
Our results show that the head and body of Astyanax cavefish are within the theoretical size range to serve a function akin to a parabola for ripple waves being amplified for VAB, but not for sound (Fig.
An alternative for the origin of a bent skull is that what is being selected is the neuromast number or properties, and suborbital bones are just developmentally linked.
Apart from a bent skull predominantly to the left (
We tested for laterality in response to VAB in the field and our data supports that all cave populations expressed laterality and significantly differed from an expected 1:1 ratio on the side with which they circle a potential prey, at least in some years and for some pools (Fig.
Caution should be used when evaluating results in this and future studies since the preponderance for laterality during foraging behavior may fluctuate due to environmental conditions and over long periods of time. The studies by Gross et al. (2015) and
In conclusion, while previous studies have shown that cavefish from Pachón cave prefer to use their right-side lateral line when encountering a novel stationary landmark (
Vibration attraction behavior (VAB) confers the ability to swim toward water disturbances generated by prey in the darkness. VAB has a genetic component and evolved in cavefish. Cavefish also have a unique asymmetry of a “bend” in their skulls and a correlation of VAB only with the left side number of neuromasts. An asymmetric body pattern may negatively affect swimming performance and create an unequal lateral hydrodynamic resistance (drag). A possible explanation is that as an adaptive compensation, lateralization may enhance the dynamics of water signaling, signal reception, or signal processing on one side. Our results support this association in showing there is laterality in VAB’s response, where a vibrating object is examined preferentially with one side of the face. However, which laterality, right side or left side, appears to be variable among different cave populations. Perhaps the adaptative nature of this phenomenon selects for asymmetry by itself and does not necessarily select for which side is the one to be specialized.
This study was supported by the School of Sciences of Marist College. Thanks to all group members who participated in the March 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2022 field trips. In particular Sylvie Rétaux, François Agnès, Patricia Ornelas-García, and M. Jones. Masato Yoshizawa and Vania Fernandes for all the discussion concerning content material. Proofreading of the manuscript by Jordi Espinasa and Monika Espinasa.