Research Article |
Corresponding author: Ana Sofia P. S. Reboleira ( ) Academic editor: Fabio Stoch
© 2023 Rita P. Eusébio, Paulo E. Fonseca, Rui Rebelo, Maria da Luz Mathias, Ana Sofia P. S. Reboleira.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Eusébio RP, Fonseca PE, Rebelo R, Mathias ML, Reboleira ASPS (2023) How to map potential mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS) habitats? A case study in colluvial MSS. Subterranean Biology 45: 141-156.
Understanding habitat extension that limits species distribution is a crucial tool for management and conservation, in which habitat mapping plays a pivotal role. The mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS) is a type of shallow subterranean habitat with an important conservation value for invertebrate communities, functioning as climatic/reproductive refuge, biogeographic corridor and/or permanent habitat. Methodologies to map the mesovoid shallow substratum (MSS) are currently lacking. We propose a novel method for colluvial MSS habitat mapping, combining geographic information systems, geological maps, and geological knowledge on the habitat genesis. We tested and validated the efficiency of the method using the Arrábida karst area (Portugal) as a model. The method allowed the remote detection of MSS habitats suitable for invertebrate communities ex situ within the study area, and enabled the estimation of habitat extent. The faunal communities sampled in the selected location were dominated by arthropods, especially insects, showcasing the efficacy of this mapping method to detect suitable MSS habitats. The use of this method considerably reduces the in situ scouting area, providing a more efficient way of locating these habitats. The MSS is protected under EU legislation concerning floral communities and geological features, completely neglecting its faunal communities. This method also allows to estimate potential MSS habitat extension in several lithologies, facilitating the implementation of invertebrate prospections, and the establishment of more effective conservation measures.
Arrábida Natural Park, habitat mapping, scree slopes, shallow subterranean habitats, subterranean ecosystems, Portugal
The Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (or Stratum) was described in French as the “Milieu Souterrain Superficiel” (MSS) by
Colluvial MSS, one of the four recognized types of MSS (
The MSS can be inhabited by organisms with different adaptations to life in subterranean habitats, from surface ones living in the soil (edaphic), to species with some affinities to the subterranean habitats (troglophile), to animals fully adapted and dependant on the subterranean habitat to survive (troglobiont) (
This habitat is an ecotone between surface and deeper subterranean habitats (
Habitat mapping is a critical step for the management and conservation of habitats and their faunal communities (
Subterranean habitats, “the most widespread non-marine environments on Earth” (
This inaccessible underground network is the habitat that most subterranean species occupy, placing them “among the least documented fauna on our planet” (
We propose a methodology to locate and estimate the areas of colluvial MSS habitats, using a combination of geographic information systems, geological maps, and geological knowledge on the genesis of this habitat. The Arrábida massif in Portugal was selected as the study area to develop, test, and validate the mapping method. The work conducted was divided into six steps: 1) defining a geological area to map, 2) defining main geological criteria for habitat genesis, 3) selecting potential locations using satellite imagery, 4) combining the potential sites with geological maps, in order to apply the criteria, 5) performing an in situ verification of the sites that met all the criteria, 6) assessing biodiversity in order to verify if the habitats selected by the method are suitable for typical MSS invertebrate communities.
Data on mapping methodology of shallow subterranean habitats was obtained from the available literature using: i) Elsevier Scopus with the following search topics “mesovoid AND shallow AND substratum” or “shallow AND subterranean AND habitats” or “milieu AND souterrain AND superficiel”; ii) Clarivate Web of Science with the same topics as i). Information harvested contains study location, MSS type, rock type, how the habitat was found, its extent, mapping method used, faunal taxonomic information, and type of results obtained in the study (Diversity, Taxonomy, Ecology).
The Arrábida karst massif (Portugal) was selected for the development of the habitat mapping method, due to its location in an area rich in invertebrate subterranean fauna (
The Arrábida chain is located in the southern edge of the Setúbal peninsula (
It is defined as a hard (high) relief, i.e., reliefs that stand out in height in comparison to the average altitudes of a region. This kind of hard reliefs are formed by the interaction of both erosive and tectonic processes (
The Arrábida chain has a typical Mediterranean climate, characterized by two extreme seasons (a warm and dry summer, with prolonged drought periods, and a cold humid winter), and two mild seasons (spring and autumn) (
The first step in defining the mapping method for colluvial MSS habitats, of the scree slope type, was to define five main criteria for the selection of a location where this habitat might occur, taking into consideration all the conditions necessary for the geological formation of colluvial MSS (Table
Criteria | Description | Justification |
1 | Reliefs present in the terrain | Reliefs consist of an exposed rock matrix that is elevated above ground level by either tectonic and/or erosive processes. This exposed matrix suffers subsequent erosion forming MSS habitats. |
2 | Strong lithological contrast in the relief | A strong lithological contrast means that there is a rapid erosion of a softer type of rock leaving adjacent harder rock exposed, leading to its later slow erosion into rock fragments and to the formation of scree slopes. |
3 | Erosion run-off zones | Considering that the parent rock is part of a relief, and that its erosion forms scree slopes, colluvial habitats form in steep slopes, below the exposed parent rock in the erosion run-off zone. |
4 | Adequate lithology | The type of rock selected needs to erode into fragments that can produce colluvial deposits. Example: limestones, conglomerates and marls (in karst areas), basalt (resultant of the erosion of volcanic cones). |
5 | Natural formation | The habitat needs to be formed by natural causes, and not by anthropogenic activities such as road construction and explosions associated with quarries, which form structures similar to colluvial MSS that are quite shallow or not connected with deep subterranean habitats. |
The second step was to select locations that seemed to possess “colluvial MSS properties”, i.e., locations where slopes filled with rocky fragments could be detected visually, using Google Earth software.
The third step was to rasterize the geological map of the area, in this case section 38-B Setúbal, Portugal (Industry and Energy Ministry, Geology and Mining Institute) in QGiS 3.14.16 software (
The fourth step was to overlap the coordinates of the selected potential colluvial MSS locations with the rasterized map in QGiS 3.14.16 software, using a mapping system that provides contour lines to better identify erosion run-off zones. Each location was tested on the resulting map for the fulfilment of all five criteria established for potential colluvial MSS habitat identification (Table
The fifth step was to conduct an in situ verification for the locations which met all the five criteria. These locations were characterized for facing direction (registered in situ) and estimated area (calculated using Google Earth software) (Suppl. material
The total estimated colluvial MSS area within the Arrábida Natural Park was calculated based on the individual estimated area of each scree slope.
Maps were produced in QGiS 3.14.16 software. An open access “World Topographic Map” layer (
A preliminary biodiversity assessment was performed following previous methodologies of measuring biodiversity in MSS habitats (
Methodologies to detect and map MSS habitat were not found in any of the papers surveyed, neither methodologies to estimate habitat extent (Suppl. material
MSS habitats have been studied for diversity, taxonomy, and ecology of invertebrate fauna in 15 countries, where around 65% focus on colluvial MSS, and around 43% do not inform the reader about the lithology of the study area, being the dominant lithology (when mentioned) karst areas (around 39%) (Suppl. material
Potential colluvial MSS was initially indicated in 24 locations (Fig.
Map of the colluvial MSS locations confirmed in situ. Map of the Arrábida Natural Park, with the selected lithological feature layers (dolomite, limestone, and conglomerate), contour lines (in the three details), and colluvial MSS locations obtained with the proposed mapping method (numbered) confirmed in situ.
Locations 1 through 4 are all within the erosion run-off zone right under 200 m a.s.l (Fig.
Locations 15 and 16 are also within the erosion run-off zone right under 300 m a.s.l., on a limestone area (Fig.
Location 21 is situated within the erosion run-off zone at 240 m a.s.l., in a limestone area (Fig.
The estimated areas for each of the scree slopes (Suppl. material
A total of 551 invertebrate specimens were collected over the two winter months. About 98% of this community was represented by arthropods, with the remaining fauna being composed by molluscs (Suppl. materials
This new habitat mapping method, combining geographic information systems with geological maps and information on MSS genesis, allows tracking and mapping colluvial MSS habitats, improving the current habitat location technique, which is based on in situ verification.
This method also allows for the estimation of habitat distribution, and when applied to faunal studies allows the estimation of species distribution areas. This knowledge will in turn contribute to improve the establishment of protection and conservation measures for this habitat and its faunal communities.
The application of this method requires: 1) deciding whether the formation of the scree slope is natural or anthropogenic, as this criteria can be biased; 2) selecting appropriate rock types within the lithology of the study site, as long as they allow the formation of scree slopes (this includes non-karst areas) and 3) taking into account vegetation coverage of the area, which can mask scree slopes in the in situ verification stage (
The initial scan of the study area using satellite imagery resulted in 24 locations for potential MSS habitats. With the use of geographic information systems and geological maps this number was reduced to eleven. After the visual in situ verification, eight locations were confirmed as the intended habitat, i.e., bare scree slopes. Our method has, therefore, proven to be effective in locating potential colluvial MSS habitats with around 75% accuracy after the in situ verification, and also considerably reducing the scouting area in the field.
Our results suggest that the sole use of GIS software to locate MSS habitats is less effective than our mapping method. This can be attributed to the lack of satellite image updating on certain areas of the country, especially natural areas, where vegetation grows fast, drastically changing the landscape in a short time (
The in situ verification for the presence of colluvial MSS in these locations was prevented due to the extremely dense vegetation in the field, which would require cutting down natural vegetation patches. MSS covered with soil and vegetation is common in the margins of bare scree slopes, which are gradually covered by mature soils, leading to more extensive plant coverage over time (
In fact, the lithology of the area, previous observations, especially historical events related to wildfires (
The mapping method also proved to be efficient in locating habitats suitable for invertebrate fauna. Scree slope habitats can host both surface and subterranean-adapted species (
This method allows a habitat extent estimation, which in the case of the colluvial MSS within the Arrábida Natural Park is approximately 30,500 m2. This value corresponds to the surface area of habitat. However, like in other habitats, such as coral reefs (
In Portugal, MSS habitats are protected by EU legislation in the Habitat Directive as “Western Mediterranean and thermophilic deposits”, in the “Limestone scree slopes (8130pt1)” subcategory, regarding plant communities and geological features (
The use of this mapping method might facilitate the detection of MSS, which can later be studied and contribute to overcome the main shortfalls of subterranean biodiversity (
This new mapping method has the potential to be used worldwide, paying special attention to integrate topography, geomorphology, lithology and tectonic structures of the studied location, improving work efficiency for studies that deal with colluvial MSS, a more and more important habitat in the context of global changes as a climatic/reproductive refuge (
The possibility to survey the area of shallow subterranean habitats worldwide will help define conservation perimeters, and estimate the extent of occurrence (EOO) and area of occupancy (AOO) according to the IUCN Red List criteria (
This work was supported by the Portuguese National Funds through “Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia” (FCT) within the cE3c Unit funding UIDB/00329/2020, CESAM (UIDP/50017/2020, UIDB/50017/2020, LA/P/0094/2020), PhD grant (2021.04868.BD), and by the VILLUM FONDEN (research grant 15471). All specimens were collected under the Instituto de Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas (ICNF). We are also grateful to the Arrábida Natural Park (PNA) for kindly providing accommodation, and to the park rangers for logistic support during fieldwork.
Characterization of each of the locations found in situ as colluvial Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS): latitude, longitude and estimated area (m2)
Data type: table (Excel file)
Literature review data Mesovoid Shallow Substrate's faunal communities
Data type: Excel file
Results of criteria met for each location pinpointed as potential colluvial Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS)
Data type: Excel file
Abundance of invertebrates collected in colluvial Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS) at the Arrábida National Park
Data type: Excel file
Total invertebrate abundance, collected in colluvial Mesovoid Shallow Substratum (MSS) at the Arrábida National Park
Data type: figure (.tiff file)
Explanation note: A. Total abundance of arthropods and molluscs; B. Total abundance of Arthropoda classes; and C. Total abundance of Insecta orders.