Research Article |
Corresponding author: Luis Espinasa ( ) Academic editor: Matthew L. Niemiller
© 2021 Luis Espinasa, Drake M. Smith, Julianna M. Lindquist.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Espinasa L, Smith DM, Lindquist JM (2021) The Pennsylvania grotto sculpin: population genetics. Subterranean Biology 38: 47-63.
The Pennsylvania grotto sculpin is known from just two caves of the Nippenose Valley in central Pennsylvania, USA. They exhibit emergent troglobitic morphological traits and are the second northern-most cave adapted fish in the world. Two mitochondrial (16S rRNA and D-loop gene) and one nuclear (S7 ribosomal protein gene intron) gene in both cave and epigean populations were sequenced. For the three markers, a large proportion of cave specimens possess unique haplotypes not found in their local surface counterparts, suggesting a vicariance in their evolutionary history. The cave population also has haplotypes from two separate lineages of surface sculpins of the Cottus cognatus/bairdii species complex. Since morphology, nuclear, and mitochondrial markers are not correlated among cave individuals, hybridization with introgression is suggested.
Cave, Cottidae, Cottus cognatus, Cottus bairdii, hybrid, Speciation, stygobite, troglobite
Modern biology as a science and evolutionary biology in particular have had a long history of interest in cavefishes. In evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo), cavefishes are now viewed as a great model system (Jeffery 2001). Since the description of the first troglobitic fish, Amblyopsis spelaea DeKay, 1842, over two hundred species of blind fish or fish with some degree of eye degeneration have been found in caves around the world (Behrmann-Godel 2017;
In 2003, Espinasa and Jeffery described a previously unreported cave population of sculpins (Cottidae: Scorpaeniformes: Actinopterygii) inhabiting Eiswert #1 Cave (Stone, 1953) in the Nippenose Valley, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania. Specimens of this cave population retain some degree of pigmentation and eye functionality. They are morphologically distinct from the surface sculpins of Antes Creek located only 445 m from the cave (Fig.
Nippenose Valley, showing the location of Eiswert #1 cave and Lochabar Spring, source of Antes Creek (blue). Despite being only 445 m from each other, cave and surface sculpin populations are morphologically and genetically distinct. Notice that both cave and spring are very close by to a limestone quarry, which has the potential of being a conservation threat to the Pennsylvania grotto sculpin if further developed. Inset of Pennsylvania showing location of cave. Map data 2020 Google.
Eiswert #1 Cave and Antes Creek are part of the West Branch of the Susquehanna River drainage. Two closely related species of sculpins inhabit this drainage: the mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi Girard, 1850, and the slimy sculpin, Cottus cognatus Richardson, 1836. These cottids often exhibit overlapping meristic and mensural features (
Nippenose Valley cave (A–C, F) and epigean Antes Creek (D–E, G) sculpins. While there is a diversity of expression of troglomorphic characters, cave fish tend to be more depigmented (A–C vs D–E), have smaller eyes (F vs G), more abundant and larger mandibular pores (F vs G, arrows point to pore III), larger heads (B vs D), and longer pectoral fins (B vs D). Scale bar: 2 cm (A–D, F–G modified from
The two local surface species of cottids are known to hybridize. For example,
The purpose of this study is to establish if the Pennsylvania grotto sculpin is genetically distinct from surface sculpins and, if such is the case, from which species it derived. For this study, we sequenced two mitochondrial and one nuclear gene. The relevance of this study is not restricted to purely academic arenas. In 2002, two corporate hog farms intended to enter the Nippenose Valley ( The proposed Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) were to produce over 20,000 hogs along with 5 million gallons of antibiotic and steroid rich manure each year. This surface waste could easily enter and contaminate the underground network of groundwater through the honeycombed limestone, thereby contaminating the water supply for the inhabitants of the valley. Some residents quickly organized a group called the Concerned Citizens of Nippenose Valley (CCNV). CCNV invoked a local ordinance protecting their water supply to tie up the permit applications, while mounting a comprehensive public relations campaign to build broad-based community opposition to the CAFOs. While this was occurring, the troglomorphic sculpin was found in Eiswert #1 Cave and reported in the scientific literature (
Since the description of the Pennsylvania grotto sculpins from Eiswert #1 Cave, James C. D. Lewis (Resident Pennsylvania Fishing License number R. 703557) has identified this form in a second cave, Loose Tooth Cave, also within the Nippenose Valley, 2.13 km SSW of Eiswert #1. Two specimens were collected with dip nets and fin clips of fish were deposited in 100% ethanol for DNA studies. For conservation purposes, other specimens used in this study are the same as those used in
Genomic DNA samples were obtained from:
Cave samples: 24 individuals from Eiswert #1 (41°9'N, 77°12'W; 8/11/02, 10/8/02, 9/16/07, 1/25/08) and two from Loose Tooth cave, Nippenose Valley, PA (41°8'N, 77°13'W; 9/16/07).
Surface samples: 24 individuals of presumptive
C. cognatus from Lochabar Spring, Antes Creek, PA (41°9'28.6"N, 77°13'13.6"W; 10/8/02, 9/16/07). Lochabar
Spring is where all caves of the Nippenose Valley drain into, and it is located at a distance of 445 m WWN from the Eiswert #1 cave (Fig.
Surface samples: 7 individuals of C. cognatus from Willsey Brook, Wilsey Valley Rd. Wurtsboro, NY (41°35'N, 74°29'W; 10/7/19). According to maps provided by the New York State Department for Environmental Conservation, Willsey Brook is within a drainage inhabited by only C. cognatus ( and no C. bairdii. (Conservatio Morphologic analysis of the specimens collected also showed they had three pelvic-fin rays, a diagnostic feature of C. cognatus, while C. bairdii has four pelvic-fin rays, thus confirming specimens belong to C. cognatus.
Standard methods for DNA purification were followed. Total DNA was extracted from tail clippings using Qiagen’s DNEasy Tissue Kit. Two mitochondrial and one nuclear marker were amplified and sequenced, each as a single fragment. The primers used were 16Sar and 16Sb primer pair for 16S rRNA (
To determine if specimens harboring either of the mitochondrial haplotype lineages (see below) belonged to two separate species or to a single reproductive population that had undergone hybridization and introgression, morphology, nuclear, and mitochondrial markers were compared to evaluate if they were linked or correlated among individuals of the cave population. The assumption being that if they were two different species, specific nuclear haplotypes and morphologies would be found only in individuals carrying a specific mitochondrial haplotype.
Analyses included data from the specimens described by
Morphometric comparisons between cave (closed circles) and epigean Antes Creek (open circles) sculpins (Modified from
The two caves as a population had a haplotype composition completely different from the local surface population in Antes Creek. While the surface population has haplotypes corresponding to C. cognatus, the cave population has haplotypes shared with two sculpin lineages: C. cognatus and C. bairdi.
For the mitochondrial 16S rRNA, analyses were performed on a 526 bp sequence fragment shared by all individuals. A total of six haplotypes were found: Cottus sp. ‘Nippenose Valley’ haplotypes 1 and 2 (GenBank accession nos. GQ280792 and GQ280792) and Cottus sp. ‘Nippenose Valley’ haplotypes A (GQ267192), B (GQ267193), C (GQ267194), and D (GQ267190). Both maximum likelihood and haplotype network analyses of the 16S rRNA haplotypes of the cave and surface populations identified two clearly distinct clades (Fig.
A maximum likelihood tree of the 16S rRNA haplotypes found in cave and surface specimens. B minimum spanning haplotype network. Most similar sequences obtained in GenBank through BLAST analyses plus a sequence of C. cognatus from Willsey Brook, NY, are also included in the trees. Two distinct lineages were identified; one that includes C. bairdii specimens and one that includes C. cognatus. Cave haplotypes within the C. bairdii clade are identified by numerals (1–2) and Cave and Antes Creek haplotypes within the C. cognatus clade are identified by letters (A–D). Notice that cave individuals are found within both lineages. Despite being only 445 m apart, some haplotypes are present exclusively in cave individuals and not found in the Antes Spring population. Loose Tooth cave specimens had haplotype 2 and A.
Mean sequence divergence (p-distance in parenthesis) of the 16S rRNA among the two clades was 11 (range 10–12; 1.9–2.2%) substitutions. Mean intra-clade sequence divergence within clades was of 1 (maximum of 2; 0.3% substitutions). Sequences in the first clade were most similar to C. bairdii (GenBank accession no. AY539018) whose sequence divergence was between 4–5 (0.7–0.9%) substitutions, and a group of three identical sequences (MT539220–MT539222). These last sequences were not included in the analyses because they were labelled by the authors as both C. bairdii and C. cognatus, despite having identical sequence, and thus are of doubtful provenance. Sequences in the second clade were most similar to seven C. cognatus from Willsey Brook, New York, that were sequenced in this study. Median sequence divergence between these C. cognatus and the Pennsylvania cave and surface members of the clade was 0 (range 0–2; 0–0.3%) substitutions. The next most similar sequence found with BLAST analyses was a C. confusus (KJ010738), with a sequence divergence of 5–6 (0.9–1.1%) substitutions.
16S haplotypes for all 24 surface specimens from Lochabar Spring on Antes Creek belonged to the second clade, which included C. cognatus. The fact that the Antes Creek population is mainly inhabited by C. cognatus is further supported by 90.4% of the cottids examined from Antes Creek possessing three pelvic rays (
Sequence data of the 16S rRNA of the Pennsylvania grotto sculpin shows that, despite inhabiting a cave that is only 445 m from the aforementioned Lochabar Spring, it has a haplotype composition completely different from the local surface population in Antes Creek. Individuals from the cave harbor haplotypes from the first C. bairdii clade and from the second C. cognatus clade (Fig.
Evidence suggests that the cave population is not simply surface C. cognatus from Antes Creek that happened to swim inside the cave and share the environment with local C. bairdii. As mentioned previously, of the 26 cave samples, 11 (42.3%) had haplotypes within the C. cognatus clade. Of these, 8 (30.7%) had a unique C. cognatus haplotype not found in any of the 24 surface Antes Creek C. cognatus specimens analyzed (Fig.
Phylogenetic analysis of a second mitochondrial marker, the D-loop (Fig.
Maximum likelihood tree of the D-loop haplotypes found in cave and surface specimens. Most similar sequences obtained in GenBank through BLAST analyses are included in the tree. In agreement with the 16S rRNA data, two distinct lineages were identified; one that includes C. bairdii specimens and one that includes C. cognatus. Cave haplotypes within the C. bairdii clade are identified by numerals (1–8) and Cave and Antes Creek haplotypes within the C. cognatus clade are identified by letters (A–L). Notice that cave individuals are found within both lineages.
Results from the 16S rRNA and D-loop suggest that the cave population has haplotypes shared with two distinct lineages of surface sculpins. Since these two markers are mitochondrial, maternally inherited and linked, they cannot fully resolve if there has been introgression of two phyletic lines within the cave population. In order to resolve this, a nuclear marker (the S7) was sequenced. A 526-bp fragment of the nuclear S7 locus from 19 cave specimens showed the presence of two haplotypes differing by one bp (GenBank accession nos. MW039591 and MW039592). One of these haplotypes was identical to the sequence obtained from all 15 surface fish sequenced from Antes Creek and from the seven surface C. cognatus from Willsey Brook, New York. BLAST analysis of both haplotypes showed as most similar a C. microstomus (KY246946), from which it differs by 7–8 bp (1.3–1.5%), but it was noticed that no S7 gene sequence for C. bairdii or C. cognatus has yet been uploaded to GenBank. Despite inhabiting a cave that is only 445 m from Antes Creek, it has an S7 haplotype composition completely different from the local surface population in Antes Creek. While all the surface Antes Creek fish (N = 15) had the C. cognatus haplotype as homozygous (G base), 15 out of 19 (78.9%) cave fish had a haplotype not found in the surface fish, either as homozygous (A base) or heterozygous (A/G bases). Of the 19 cave specimens sequenced, four had the C. cognatus haplotype, five had the other haplotype, and ten were heterozygous for both haplotypes (Fig.
Two haplotypes were found for the S7 ribosomal protein gene intron, which differed by a G/A base. Some individuals were heterozygous, as evidenced by a double bump in the chromatogram. C. cognatus individuals from Antes Creek or from New York had exclusively the S7 haplotype with the G. Cave specimens with C. cognatus mitochondrial haplotypes could be homozygous or heterozygous for both S7 haplotypes. Likewise, cave specimens with C. bairdii mitochondrial haplotypes could also be homozygous or heterozygous for both S7 haplotypes. Thus, there is no correlation between nuclear haplotypes and mitochondrial clades, suggesting introgression within the cave population as a single reproductive unit. The Loose Tooth cave specimen was one of the specimens that had C. bairdii haplotype and an A, and the other specimen had C. cognatus haplotype and a G.
Of the 11 cave specimens analyzed for S7 that harbor the C. bairdi clade mitochondrial haplotypes, two of them had the S7 found in C. cognatus, and the rest were either heterozygous or had the other haplotype. Likewise, of the eight cave specimens that harbored the C. cognatus clade mitochondrial haplotypes, only two had exclusively the C. cognatus S7 haplotype. The rest were either heterozygous or had the other haplotype (Fig.
As described by
The range of troglomorphic appearance spanned from “0” when all characters analyzed in an individual were troglomorphic, to “8” when they were all epigeomorphic. When a value for troglobitic appearance was assigned to each cave individual based on four distinct characters, it was found that troglobitic characteristics were spread arbitrarily among each group of mitochondrial or nuclear haplotypes, with no clear distinction between the two groups. Cave individuals harboring the C. bairdii clade mitochondrial haplotype had a mean troglomorphic index of 4.14 (x~ = 4, stdev = 1.29, Range = 2–7, N = 15) and the cave individuals harboring the C. cognatus mitochondrial haplotype had a mean troglomorphic index of 3.77 (x~ =4, stdev = 1.71, Range = 1–7, N = 11), which was not different from individuals belonging to the C. bairdii clade (P = 0.509). Furthermore, specimens from Loose tooth had morphologies within the ranges of Eiswert #1cave specimens (Fig.
We also found morphological evidence of an independent assortment of morphological characters without regard to their mitochondrial haplotypes, as is expected in a reproductive population where unlinked genes/alleles segregate independently of each other. One of the clearest examples is with two specimens that have a C. bairdii clade mitochondrial haplotype. One specimen has a pore III width that is surface-like (Troglomorphy=2), but eye size is troglobitic-like (Troglomorphy=0). On the other hand, the other specimen has the exact opposite combination; pore III width troglobitic-like (Troglomorphy = 0) and eye size is surface-like (Troglomorphy = 2). Similar examples are also found within specimens harboring the C. cognatus clade mitochondrial haplotype.
Eiswert #1 and Loose Tooth caves are both located within the same Nippenose karst valley and only 2.13 km from each other. Hydrologically, they are most likely part of the same subterranean drainage. Morphologically (Fig.
Eiswert #1 Cave is only 445 m away from the Lochabar Spring and the surface Antes Creek (Fig.
Our results show that the cave population possesses mitochondrial 16S rRNA and D-loop haplotypes shared with two distinct lineages of surface-dwelling sculpins. One line includes specimens assigned to C. cognatus and the other line to specimens assigned to C. bairdi. What could account for this? One scenario is that surface specimens from both species are simply entering the cave and the single cave population is a mixture of two surface species. Our results do not support this scenario. If two species were present, cave individuals harboring the mitochondrial haplotypes of the C. cognatus and the C. bairdii clade would have distinct and correlated nuclear and morphologic characters. Instead, we found that morphology, nuclear, and mitochondrial markers were unlinked among individuals of the cave population, suggesting a single reproductive population with introgression. Both nuclear haplotypes are found in cavefish that harbor either of the mitochondrial haplotype clades. Likewise, the nuclear S7 shows heterozygosity in some individuals. Furthermore, there is evidence of an independent assortment of morphological characters without regard to their mitochondrial or nuclear haplotypes, as is expected in a reproductive population where unlinked gene/alleles segregate independently of each other.
If the Pennsylvania grotto sculpin as a population have a different genetic structure from the local surface C. cognatus and C. bairdii, what is their origin? One possibility is that the cave population derives from a single species who just happens to host divergent, ancient mitochondrial haplotypes. Coalescent theory shows that sometimes gene variants sampled from within a population may have originated from a common ancestor that antedates the split of its own species (
While the distinction may not be fully resolved until genomic studies are performed, it is our hypothesis that the hybridization scenario is the most likely. The number of rays in the pelvic fin is used as a diagnostic character to differentiate species of Cottus in this region. Cottus cognatus has three pelvic fin rays, while C. bairdii has four. If the Pennsylvania grotto sculpin derived exclusively from either species, it would be expected that the cavefish would conform morphologically to the species from which it derived and would either have three or four rays.
Hybridization between surface C. bairdi and C. cognatus has been reported at Blockhouse Creek (
Our results are not the first to report speciation by way of hybridization in cottids. In 2005,
Our results are similar to those of
Molecular and morphological data support the hypothesis that the Pennsylvania grotto sculpin is a distinct sculpin from C. cognatus and C. bairdi. Furthermore, data suggest that the cave population’s evolutionary history may include an ancestral hybridization event between the separate members of the C. cognatus/bairdii species complex, but that currently there is limited gene flow from surface Cottus populations into the cave population. Such isolation accounts for the cave population’s genetic and morphologic uniqueness. Based on these results, it is proposed that the Pennsylvania grotto sculpin deserves recognition as an independent species taxon from C. bairdii and C. cognatus. Recognition as an independent species will also help support current conservation efforts.
We thank all of the concerned citizens of the Nippenose Valley, especially David Hollick, for all of their encouragement, support, and friendship, without which this study could not have been done. We also would like to thank James C. D. Lewis for collecting the samples. Katherine D. Amodeo performed the morphological measurements. The students of the BIOL493: Molecular Biology Fall 2007 and BIOL320: Genetics Fall 2018 courses at Marist College performed some of the molecular techniques. Patricia Ornelas Garcia helped with developing the haplotype networks. We also thank Monika Espinasa, Jack Wimmershoff, Shivani Patel and Marylena Mesquita for proof-reading and English language editing. Partial support for this study from the School of Science at Marist College.